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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Two-Thirds Through

Two-Thirds Through

One pastor was asked in advance of the first internship whether he would like a group of student workers. He said, “No, we don’t need them.” After hearing the results in other churches, he was first in line to receive a group of students for the second internship experience. Students worked with his church for four weeks. Formerly a church of primarily children, this church now has a more commendable group of adults and an adult trainee-leader working under the pastor.

The Ask

The Ask

It all started with a missions conference at the Wilmore Free Methodist Church in 1997 and an introduction to Mike and Vickie Reynen. We were young and excited to learn more about missions, so Mike and Vickie graciously arranged a trip to Nigeria for us, a summer that forever connected our hearts to Africa. Little did we know the path God would lead us on, one of true joy even amid significant pain and loss.

Hope in Rwanda

Hope in Rwanda

Allain is a pastor at Kibogora Free Methodist Church, located in a rural village on Lake Kivu in western Rwanda. He is busy serving the church in youth ministry, working as the coordinator for Rwanda’s Youth for Christ (YFC), and serving with Compassion International. When I asked Allain why he feels called to youth, he told me it was because he remembers what it was like to be young and encounter the challenges youth face.


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