Europe: New international missionary Paulo Bettiol will support the Europe Area in administration, finance, leadership...
Free Methodist World Missions
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Jordan: Pray the thousands of refugees who have crossed into Jordan will hear the gospel and put their faith in Jesus...
Taiwan: Pray for the Rev. Daniel Chen as he assumes responsibilities as the new superintendent of the Taiwan Annual...
Latin America: Across the area, there are now 169 established churches, 71 church plants and 1,036 houses of peace....
Burkina Faso: The Free Methodist work in Burkina Faso is new in 2024. There are currently four fellowships. Pray for...
Asia: Pray for Jason as he balances time between the needs of his family and the many great ministry opportunities he...
Iraq: The harvest is plentiful. Pray the Lord will send more workers for the harvest, workers who will have...
El Salvador: FM work is growing in San Salvador. Pray for development of healthy leaders in El Salvador as missionary...
Southeast Asia: Praise the Lord for the ministry of In Better Hands. Pray the Father will be glorified through this...
Hungary: Pray the existing church fellowships will have a positive witness and develop trust in their communities. Ask...
Cameroon: Praise the Lord! After moving locations several times over the last six years, the FMC in Edea has finally...
Friends with a Cause
For over two decades, we have watched Gabi and Zsuzsi blossom from young girls into remarkable women. Gabi, a social...
Resourcing the African Diaspora
"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be...
Crossing the Globe – Spreading the Gospel
Nearly a century ago, in 1928, Massayoshi “Daniel” Nishizumi, a Free Methodist pastor from Japan, embarked on a...
Chile: Pray missionary Rich Sheriff will be faithful and fruitful in all God calls him to do and will continue to grow...
Liberia: The Liberian FMC has started primary schools in several churches, with plans for additional schools in other...
Jordan: Pray for the physical, mental and spiritual protection of our workers in this country. Ask the Father to give...
Creative Access-X: Despite the difficulties in this nation, pray for God’s provision and transformation to happen...
Spain: Paulo and Clara Bettiol from Brazil have recently joined the European missionary team as international...
Mozambique: In June, the Maputo District hosted a youth conference. Praise the Lord for these young believers and...
Colombia: Just a few weeks after the organization of Bible quizzing in Colombia, more than 70 students from 11...
Malta: Pray for financial and human resources to develop existing fellowships, plant new churches and do outreach into...
Middle East: Many workers serve young children through education, recreation and home Bible story times. Pray these...
Oceania: Ask God to call two new missionary couples from the U.S. to serve in New Zealand and Australia. Pray they...
ICCM: Pray for ICCM ministries in Cambodia and other countries as they walk through processes to comply with...
Guinea Conakry: Praise the Lord for two missionaries, graduates of the Wesley Missionary Institute, now planting...
Egypt: Pray specifically for Pastor “B” as he helps train leaders to plant churches in rural areas of Egypt unreached...
Wesley Missionary Institute: Praise the Lord for the work of the Wesley Missionary Institute in West Africa. There...
Southeast Asia: Pray for missionary Corey Persing as he mentors and advises national leaders in Southeast Asia,...
Chile: Please pray the many relationships Rich and Laurie Sheriff have established outside the church will develop...
Portugal: Praise the Lord for the inauguration of the fourth Free Methodist church in Portugal in June. This...
Southeast Asia: The first six videos of the Bible Survey module for Gethsemane Leadership Training have been edited...
Honduras: Ask the Father to strengthen Mission District Leader Emmanuel Herrera as he leads the district in developing...
Creative Access-LO: Two young girls from this country are currently enrolled in a Bible school in Thailand. As they...
Set Free Movement: Pray for the completion of a new series of human-trafficking preventative-education modules being...
Cambodia: On June 2, six churches in Cambodia joined together for the baptism of more than 100 new believers. Praise...
Haiti: Pray for physical, spiritual and emotional strength for Bishop Eliodor Desvariste as he leads the Free...
Bulgaria: Pray for an abundant harvest from the Pure Farm in Bulgaria and for the people who will benefit from the...
Botswana: The Zimbabwe General Conference started this work in 1998. Pray for the encouragement of the believers...
Creative Access-HK: Pray for Fung Wan, the new superintendent. Ask the Father to give her wisdom, discernment and...
Rwanda: Pray for the provision of finances for the Rwanda General Conference as they construct a new church and...
Iraq: Pray the Holy Spirit will bring unity among the body of Christ, including all the various ministry teams and...
Ecuador: Pray for the holistic and transformational ministries in Ecuador, including the community garden in the...
2024 Advent Resources
Europe: Pray for the Rev. Albert Delali-Yevunya, a new international missionary who has joined the Europe team to...
Asia: Through the work of the FMC in Asia last year, 17,000 people made commitments to follow Jesus. Pray for a...
Malawi: 2,000 Souls for Christ by 2025
I envision a church outside the building, reaching 2,000 souls for Christ by 2025. Being a pastor and a...
Obedient to the Call
When he was 9 years old, Jordan Kaufmann heard a missionary share at church, and he went home and told his mother he...
A Vision to Reach New People Groups
The vision is being fulfilled. The Wesley Missionary Institute (WMI) outside Lomé, Togo, was created for the purpose...
Middle East: Pray for our workers in the Middle East. Ask the Good Shepherd to lead them beside quiet waters, refresh...
Nicaragua: In addition to planting churches, the mission district in Nicaragua provides adult education, offers...
Zambia: Pray pastors’ families will become more economically stable through the “Animals for Pastors” program, which...
Creative Access-MR: Although there are limitations on traveling and personal evangelism, the gospel is spreading as a...
Chile: Missionaries Rich and Laurie Sheriff serve as church planters in San Pedro de la Paz. Pray for ongoing...
Bulgaria: Pray for discipleship schools and other training opportunities that are helping shape the next generation of...
Middle East: Pray the Holy Spirit will move in mighty ways among the unreached people groups in this region, breaking...
Senegal: Pray for protection and provision for pastors and their families, particularly the success of livelihood...
Set Free Movement: Pray for the Wunders leadership as they explore opportunities to open a sewing center in a third...
Asia: Pray for Ammabellee Bacus and Yuko Wilkins as they establish a network of FM women across Asia by providing...
Paraguay: International missionaries Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Yaneth Aguirre will spend time in Mexico and the U.S....
Sierra Leone: Pray for Pastor Koroma, a graduate of the Wesley Missionary Institute, who is helping develop a strong...
Puerto Rico: One church recently acquired a property it is renovating to become a training and retreat center. Pray...
Japan: Pray for Minori Hall as she continues to offer hospitality and friendship to her neighbors and people in her...
Malawi: Superintendent Goodson Phiri has initiated a church visitation and encouragement program. He visits every...
Middle East: Pray people of the majority religious background will encounter Jesus in their dreams and will continue...
Portugal: Pray for compassion ministries and evangelism in one poverty-stricken area of Lisbon. Every month, the FM...
Peru: The church in Tacna recently sent a missionary couple to the Amazon region, where a church is beginning to take...
Oceania: Pray for the FMWM work in Oceania. Pray for the pastors and Indigenous leaders as they continue to give life...
Ethiopia: The church in Addis Ababa is forced to relocate because of city renovations. Pray for Superintendent Mekebib...
Spain: Pray for the renewal and encouragement of all the leaders and pastors in every FM church in Spain and for the...
Philippines: Give thanks to the Lord for 75 years of Free Methodist work in the Philippines. As they celebrate July 9...
ICCM: ICCM work opened in Togo in 2012. There are two schools in Lome and Tchore where children receive sponsorship....
Creative Access Asia: Pray for pastors and leaders in Asia. Ask the Father to give them wisdom and discernment as they...
FMWM: Pray individuals, groups and churches will become increasingly aware of ways they can pray for the global church...
Iraq: Pray for “A,” a leader in Iraq, as he answers God’s call to disciple young people who, like him, have been...
Europe: Join missionary Susy Fajardo in praying for her two adult daughters. Pray God will continue to show up in...
Singapore: Pray for developing work in Singapore. Ask the Father to identify people willing to help establish FM work...
Democratic Republic of Congo: Pray for retired missionaries Tim and Connie Kratzer as they serve in the DRC this...
Guatemala: Pray for rebuilding trust and relationships after a leadership failure in this country. Ask the Father to...
Third Culture Kids: Pray for our Third Cultural Kids (our missionaries’ children) to firmly establish their identity...
Moved By the Spirit
Every week, we get hundreds of messages from Yazidis responding to our campaigns through our social media page....
Twice Saved
My name is Nora*, and I am from the “majority religious” background. As a child, I studied the principles of our...
Transformed by Forgiveness
After an earthquake struck their village and the surrounding area, severely damaging their home, Hanada’s family...
360 Mission District: Pavones and Puerto Viejo are surfing destinations in the southern region of Costa Rica, close to...
Colombia: Pray for the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in multiplying disciples and leaders in the newest “fields” where...
Fiji: Give thanks for the FMC in Fiji. Pray the Lord will continue to pour out His Spirit upon the church, multiplying...
Africa: FMWM-Africa has opened new work in six West African countries in the last 10 years. Pray the Lord will call...
Scandinavia: Pray for developing churches in Norway, Denmark and Finland. Ask the Father to help these groups be salt...
Cambodia: The Cambodian FMC has a vision to see 336 churches planted by 2030. Pray the Lord will continue to give them...
Middle East: As many people in the region face fear and uncertainty, pray the Holy Spirit will give believers...
Set Free Movement: Statistics indicate there are now more than 110 million refugees in the world. Pray for Set Free...
South Korea: Pray for Trevor as he meets and disciples many who have come to this country to escape persecution in...
Rwanda: As the Nzungizes spend a few months in the U.S., pray the Lord will give them meaningful time with extended...
Hungary: Pray for the FMC in Györ, Hungary, led by Sylvia Nyiri, as they serve and minister through English-language...
Creative Access Countries
Pray For development of informal networks of friends, families and acquaintances that cross cultural boundaries the...
Ivory Coast: Pray for God’s provision of resources to build several churches and a ministry headquarters building for...
Bolivia: Pray for Teresa Saravia, who leads this mission district, and for her sister, Tania Saravia, who has assumed...
Australia: Pray for networking and church planting among a growing number of immigrant groups in key cities like...
Greece: Pray for Maria Long as she ministers to new groups of female refugees, including Ukrainian women. Ask the Lord...