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Daily Prayer Requests of Free Methodist World Missions

Creative Access-IA: Join the workers in this country as they pray for new connections within the community and spiritual renewal among believers.

Cameroon: Pray for the FMC in Cameroon as they continue to reach out to new people groups and train new leaders. Pray specifically for potential...

Togo: Pray missionaries Hendrik and Kaylene Smidderks will learn the French language well, allowing them to integrate effectively into the culture...

New Zealand: Pray for Pastor Joy and husband Phil, who have a church meeting at their home in Auckland, and a developing ministry partner and his...

Middle East: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace …” (Isaiah 52:7, ESV). Thank the Lord...

Colombia: There are still 4,000 villages among the Wayu people of northern Colombia without a gospel witness! Pray for Pastor Omar and his team as...

Burundi: Pray for Hope Africa University and, particularly, the agricultural graduates. These graduates participate in agricultural projects that...

Asia: As Darin and Jill travel throughout Asia, ask the Father to give them Spirit-filled ministry effectiveness. Pray for discernment and guidance...

FMWM Missionary Team: On this Christmas day, pray for our FMWM missionary team. As those sent by the Father, pray the light of God’s love will shine...

Europe: Pray for the Lord’s direction in 2025 as the Europe Area team explores new work in Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Norway.

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