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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

“The Missionary Graveyard” – is the name some use for Uruguay, a small, secular and atheistic country in South America. Many missionaries have left Uruguay frustrated by the hard hearts of the people. However, nothing is impossible for the Lord of the Harvest! God is using Uruguayans to plant His peace in the capital city of Montevideo.

Lucas Silveira is a 21-year-old man who participated on the national triathlon team. Born into a Christian home, Lucas went to church out of habit until he realized his need for Christ at a Christian camp and began to run the race of faith. When the Free Methodist Church Lucas attended in the small town of Durazno embraced the Community Church Planting (CCP) vision, Pastor Sebastián encouraged Lucas to train and participate in God’s multiplication. He is now the national Community Church Planting (CCP) team leader.

Lucas was born in Montevideo but didn’t know anyone in the city. He and the regional CCP mentor prayerfully chose a city block and began taking prayer walks there. They prayed the Lord would give them an effective entry strategy and introduce them to a person of peace. During this time, they met Donato and God’s answer came through him. Donato played soccer on one of the many fields surrounding the neighborhood park. Lucas and Daniela realized the entrance strategy would be through sports.

Soon Lucas and Donato began to meet on one of the fields with a soccer ball. They invited anyone who was there to play with them. Today, more than 20 young people and teenagers meet there once a week. They play soccer and have a time of discipleship. God’s transformation in their lives is drawing the attention of their parents. As a result, two families have opened their homes (known as houses of peace in the CCP movement) to host discipleship groups.

Little by little, the dream of planting a church in Montevideo is taking shape. Once a month these houses of peace rent a place where they worship God together. Each person represents a story of a transformed life!

No doubt the Lord of the Harvest is at work in the hardest of hearts inviting common, everyday people like Lucas and Donato to be champions of His peace in Uruguay. He is inviting everyone of us to do the same in our hometowns and neighborhoods.