Scott and Natasha Edinger provide pastoral care for FM missionaries in Africa. This role includes encouragement and spiritual nurture via emails, phone calls and field visits; special care in emergencies or times of crisis; and organization of prayer support.
Pray For
- Scott and Natasha to have the insight to develop ways to spiritually and emotionally support our Africa missionary team most effectively
- our Africa missionaries as they deal with the stress of being cross-cultural leaders far from family
- missionary children navigating life as third-cultural kids/adults
- future FM Africa missionaries as they respond to our Lord’s call
- safety for the Edingers as they travel to minister to FM missionaries
Rwanda’s Youth Movement
The Free Methodist Church (FMC) in Rwanda now has more than 500,000 members, with a large population of young people who need solid Christian teaching. Late last year, the FMC chose to invest in this next generation through a Youth Leaders Camp at Kunbya Retreat...
Church Planting in Malawi!
Evangelism and discipleship are the key components of church planting in the two districts of the Northern Malawi Conference. Rumphi now has a Free Methodist Church because of evangelism and disciple-making efforts in this community. The church is in the district’s...
Wind of Revival!
“Every knee shall bow … and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord …” (Philippians 2:10-11). A great “wind of revival” is blowing in Togo! In the country’s central area, people are experiencing God’s mighty power through a ministry of evangelism and prayer....
Another Burundi Adventure
It was January 2024, and I found myself on another Burundi adventure where I met up with John McCready, grandson of the first Free Methodist missionaries to Burundi, John Wesley and Jennie Esther Haley. Ninety years ago, the Haleys set out to establish an Indigenous...