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Scott & Natasha Edinger

Africa Area – Missionary Care



Contact Scott & Natasha Edinger

Scott and Natasha Edinger provide pastoral care for FM missionaries in Africa. This role includes encouragement and spiritual nurture via emails, phone calls and field visits; special care in emergencies or times of crisis; and organization of prayer support.

Pray For

  • Scott and Natasha to have the insight to develop ways to spiritually and emotionally support our Africa missionary team most effectively
  • our Africa missionaries as they deal with the stress of being cross-cultural leaders far from family
  • missionary children navigating life as third-cultural kids/adults
  • future FM Africa missionaries as they respond to our Lord’s call
  • safety for the Edingers as they travel to minister to FM missionaries

Making an Impact – Kibogora Community Program

Making an Impact – Kibogora Community Program

The fruit of longtime ministry is evident in many places throughout Rwanda. One of those places is Kibogora Hospital. One program initiated in 2013 by retired missionary Sheila Etherington is making an impact. Sheila initiated a community program to assist elderly and...

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Stephen’s Story

Stephen’s Story

Have you ever become good friends with a taxi driver? When Mike and I lived in Kenya, Stephen became “our” taxi driver — taking us to and from the airport and various places. We became good friends. When we return to Kenya, Stephen is usually our driver. Rides to and...

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Lord, Here I Am!

Lord, Here I Am!

“Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight — why the bush does not burn up.’ When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And...

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Power and Potential in Community

Power and Potential in Community

Picture a circle of young Togolese women. They are gathered for the Thrive/Wunders training. Yvonne, the Thrive Kenya leader conducting the training, said, “OK, pretend you are a teacher … and ‘you,’ you are an Auntie from church. Bella, pretend you are the nurse.”...

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