Pray For
- Bishop Simon Chánza and his leadership
- the urban housing project for the poor in Pietermaritzburg
- strength, unity and vision for the church
- expansion into new provinces
- growing ministry to children and youth
The FMC in South Africa has five annual conferences, all led by Africans. A nationwide evangelism program and programs for youth and children are both high priorities. There also is an active women’s ministry. Greenville Hospital, established in 1955, is entirely staffed by nationals and under the control of the South African government. Ubanye Urban Housing program and the Haven (a shelter caring for abused women and children) continue to thrive. A mission team from South Africa established a church in Zambia in 2000. In 2019 Zambia became a provisional general conference.
The first Free Methodist missionaries to South Africa arrived in 1885. Of the five persons in the group, one couple settled in Natal Province of South Africa. The South Africa Conference was organized in 1905. Schools were established and medical work begun. Missionary G. Harry Agnew, one of the first five missionaries to Africa, visited the province of Transvaal in 1895. He stayed two years, ministering to men from Mozambique who had come to work in the mines. Other missionaries followed, and the work spread to the cities of the Transvaal, now divided into three provinces: Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo.
Country Leader

Bishop Simon Chánza
South Africa General Conference
Prayercast | South Africa
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General Conference
- Population: 59,178,00
- Evangelical Christians: 21.02%
- FM Work Opened: 1895
- FM Churches: 125
- FM Membership: 21,321
- Ordained Ministers: 59
- Ministerial Candidates:26
- Bishop: Simon Chánza
- Ecclesiastical Accountability: Free Methodist World Conference

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