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The Free Methodist Church in


Thom & Sherry Cahill




Contact Thom & Sherry Cahill

Thom and Sherry Cahill work in spiritual formation and leadership development in Asia. They help recruit teachers, coordinate Gethsemane Leadership Training modules, work with the Leadership Lift video training, and mentor/coach leaders. Additionally, the Cahills edit video scripts and videos for the Asia Team and teach in their areas of giftedness. Thom and Sherry have three adult children and two grandchildren who live in the U.S.

Pray For

  • Gethsemane Leadership Training leaders and students 
  • their travel throughout Asia
  • those teaching modules
  • wisdom and guidance as they work with and mentor others
Why Are You Singing

Why Are You Singing

“Why are you all singing?” the neighbors asked Ms. Holly (not her real name). Ms. Holly is a cross-cultural worker living in Country-VN. It is illegal to share the gospel with others. The neighbors are suspicious of the group’s singing and wary of the foreigner. They...

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Faithful Servants

Faithful Servants

Japan is often described as a missionary graveyard. The hard work and effort put into sharing the gospel often seems to bear little spiritual fruit and is discouraging. With Christians making up less than 1% of the population, churches are small, and many pastors and...

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Fulfilling the Vision

Fulfilling the Vision

FMWM Asia’s vision is to reach 1 million people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul instructed Timothy to invest in others through teaching and equipping, “… and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach...

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Building It Together

Building It Together

The fire started in a tightly packed neighborhood down the block. The fire brigade managed to control the fire keeping the home from being a total loss. No one realized it, but one ember had lodged in the rafters of the corner bakery. Soon the bakery was fully...

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