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The Free Methodist Church in


Darin & Jill

Associate Asia Area Director

Darin and Jill have ministered in Asia since 2009. Darin serves as Asia Area Associate Director, and Jill fulfills various mentoring and administrative roles. Their ministry focus is training and credentialing Free Methodist leaders across Asia through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. Darin also works closely with Asia Area Director, Eric, to develop and implement a mission strategy for the work in Asia.

Pray For

  • wisdom for the effective and collaborative leadership of work in Asia
  • fruitful implementation of GLT for training emerging leaders
  • national pastors to catch a vision for skillfully mentoring ministerial candidates.
  • health and travel safety
Let’s Sing a Hymn!

Let’s Sing a Hymn!

One evening, after visiting a night market in Taiwan, Trevor and I decided to return to our hotel. As we walked, Trevor gave me updates about his work with The Voice of the Martyrs Korea, how he and his team boldly preach the gospel to people they encounter, sometimes...

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Pursuing Jesus

Pursuing Jesus

Before arriving in Asia, our prayer was, “Lord, strategically place us where we can minister to people.” The answer was evident when Kelly* smiled and asked me to walk with her and a friend to the local market. The following day, we met, and as we started toward the...

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Saying Yes to Unexpected Opportunities

Saying Yes to Unexpected Opportunities

My story begins in Baguio City, Philippines. I was 11 years old when the Free Methodist work began in our city. At an early age, I established a personal relationship with God and had the opportunity to develop my talents in a community of love and faith. Although my...

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Brother, Are You in a Tree?

Brother, Are You in a Tree?

Brother, are you in a tree? That is an actual question asked during a training conducted for pastors in Creative Access Country-NP. The answer was – yes, that pastor really was in a tree. The location of his village meant he had to climb a tree to get cell service to...

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