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The Free Methodist Church in


Darin & Jill

Associate Asia Area Director



Darin and Jill have ministered in Asia since 2009. Darin serves as Asia Area Associate Director, and Jill fulfills various mentoring and administrative roles. Their ministry focus is training and credentialing Free Methodist leaders across Asia through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. Darin also works closely with Asia Area Director, Eric, to develop and implement a mission strategy for the work in Asia.

Contact Darin & Jill

Pray For

  • wisdom for the effective and collaborative leadership of work in Asia
  • fruitful implementation of GLT for training emerging leaders
  • national pastors to catch a vision for skillfully mentoring ministerial candidates.
  • health and travel safety
Fulfilling the Vision

Fulfilling the Vision

FMWM Asia’s vision is to reach 1 million people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul instructed Timothy to invest in others through teaching and equipping, “… and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach...

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Building It Together

Building It Together

The fire started in a tightly packed neighborhood down the block. The fire brigade managed to control the fire keeping the home from being a total loss. No one realized it, but one ember had lodged in the rafters of the corner bakery. Soon the bakery was fully...

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Turning Lunch into Life

Turning Lunch into Life

As part of our gatherings in Creative Access-VN, we prioritize testimonies of church planters and people who have made commitments to Jesus. This year, a testimony of thanks came from a woman named Trang. Pastor “H” shared Trang’s story: Trang used to have brain...

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Always a Friend for Jesus

Always a Friend for Jesus

There are over 700,000 migrant workers in Taiwan, with Indonesians being the largest group, numbering around 260,000. Eighty percent of the Indonesian migrant workers are women, serving as caregivers in the homes of elderly Taiwanese. They work long hours, almost...

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Better Together: Shared Sustainability

Better Together: Shared Sustainability

In a very poor, remote mountain village in one of our creative access countries, she is busy weaving the strands of grass together to form a broom. Mrs. T works very hard to care for and feed her 11 children – eight boys and three girls. A few of the older children...

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Hope From Above

Hope From Above

In Asia, we’ve seen the Father use the global pandemic and lockdowns to accomplish His good purposes and communicate His love. This past Christmas, most of the Cambodian Free Methodist Church was restricted from gathering for a celebration. Superintendent Daniel and...

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