- creative means to communicate the good news
- the effectiveness of outreach efforts
- the continued work of Filipino fellowships with domestic helpers
- workers sent out by the conference to serve in other Asian countries
The scarcity and subsequent high cost of real estate shape the type of work the conference has developed. Government-approved centers for the elderly and youth provide an opportunity for sharing and service as well as meeting places for several fellowships. Groups also meet in study centers, schools and high-rise apartment buildings. The conference conducts work among Filipinas who are domestic helpers living in the city. They are also sending out workers serving in other parts of Asia.
Several workers from Creative Access Asia – CA, displaced years ago felt Father was asking them to serve the hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring into Creative Access-HK. An FM leader opened a fellowship in 1951. Another worker under another organization arrived in Creative Access-HK in 1954 and opened a fellowship. In 1959 the two groups merged.
Annual Conference
- FM Groups: 15
- FM Membership: 2,909
- FM Work Opened: 1951
- Superintendent: Raymond

Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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Creative Access Asia – HK
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