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Daily Prayer Requests of Free Methodist World Missions

Europe: Pray for international missionary Albert Delali-Yevunya as he serves in coordinating the African European Church Network, working with...

ICCM: ICCM ministry in Ethiopia began in 2001 and now has five schools and a weekend program in Addis Ababa. Pray these sponsored children and their...

Brazil: Pray for Dan Owsley as he serves as pastor to the counselors and other personnel at a conference-wide children's camp during a holiday...

Middle East: Dawn requests prayers for a smooth process as her daughter and son-in-law complete an international adoption. They hope to be united...

Zambia: Pray for the 30 churches and 10 established ministries in the 10 provinces of Zambia and for Bishop Mark Lilema as he leads this general...

Creative Access-VN: Pray for a group of young leaders who are professionals working in a major city. Pray they will grow deep in their faith and...

360 Mission District: Pray for the outreach and discipleship ministries to children and youth through the Una Mas tutoring center.

Middle East: Ask God to give wisdom to Hany as he leads the various Impact Middle East teams in seven countries. Birthday: Hany

Creative Access-IN: Pray believers in this country will exhibit a powerful sense of God’s love to the millions who are lost and remain faithful...

Tanzania: Pray for the spread of the gospel in the Lindi and Mtwara Regions, where about 97% of the population is Muslim.

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