Algent “Genti” Bregu, a local barber, serves as the executive director of Eagles Wings, a non-governmental organization, and leads the Korce Adventure Center. Genti is an avid adventurer with extensive international experience leading and supporting adventure events. He has a servant’s heart and is widely loved and respected in Korce. Erjona works as a special needs teacher and uses her skills to serve the community.
The Korce Adventure Center is an exciting, new ministry outreach point in the southeastern Albanian city of Korce. It organizes local cycling, camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting activities and events for children, youth, and adults in town. The Bregu’s hope this center will lead to the formation of strong “affinity groups” that become interested in talking about the gospel in a natural, organic way as relationships mature.
Children: Helga, Luka
Pray For
- wisdom for their family and for grace as they face the circumstances around them
- their children’s studies, and for them to be witnesses in their schools
- the establishment of the Korce Adventure Center
- volunteers who will be part of their mission
- formation of strong relationships allowing opportunity to share the gospel
- opportunities to reach new families, especially the many Muslims nearby who have hearts open to God’s Word
Church Planting & Development
• church planting
• a learning center providing educational and social programs
• compassion ministries
• other community development ministries
• CPD promotional materials
New Ministry in Albania
Albania is known for its archaeological heritage, unspoiled beaches, unique traditions and hospitality. Yet, it is one of Europe’s least developed countries. Few Albanians consider religion to be a dominant factor in their lives. Religious demographics indicate the...