Todd and Deann Miller have been married since 1982. As partners in ministry, they served 29 years in youth ministry, taking numerous teams of adults and students on short-term mission trips in seven different countries. Following their years in youth ministry, they served as VISA missionaries in Belgium. After their return to the States, they planted and currently lead The Gate, a congregational network of missional communities in Indianapolis. Todd and Deann provide pastoral care and support to our Free Methodist missionaries in Europe. This role includes encouragement and care through Zoom, phone calls, emails, field visits, and special care in emergencies and times of crisis.
Pray For
- the spiritual and emotional health of the European missionary team
- open doors for Todd and Deann to connect and minister relationally to the missionary team
- God’s provision of financial support for travel and ministry expenses
- creative ways to bless our missionary team
- wisdom and discernment for Todd and Deann to know how to balance the demands of local and international ministry
Crossing the Globe – Spreading the Gospel
Nearly a century ago, in 1928, Massayoshi “Daniel” Nishizumi, a Free Methodist pastor from Japan, embarked on a remarkable mission. He moved to the other side of the world as a missionary to Brazil, preaching to Japanese people who had immigrated to Brazil. But he was...
Revolving-Door Church
Most pastors despise the idea of a ministry where members come and go but rarely stay. Yet, God has blessed the Free Methodist Church “Anagenesis” (rebirth) in Thessaloniki, Greece, with such a ministry. Another Greek pastor in Thessaloniki recently questioned me,...
Do All the Good You Can
Around 22 children and teenagers receive weekly educational support at the Mosaico Learning Center, a missional extension of the church in Madrid, Spain. It brings God’s life-changing love in words and deeds, serving the local community, especially the vulnerable and...
Comfort and Support Amid Tears
It is impossible to get used to war in your country – death, pain and tears seem never to end. War is violent, painful and destructive, taking innocent lives away. Today, Ukrainians are wounded. The scars will always remind us of those we owe our lives to. Ukrainians...