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The Free Methodist Church

Global Ministries

Debra Gilmore

U.S. Based Partner

Beginning April 1, 2022, Debra Gilmore began a new role as a missionary trainer and coach for FMWM, using the Support Raising Solutions principles and contextualizing them for FMWM missionaries, international missionaries and national leaders. She will do training in each world area at the request of the area directors and will coach new missionaries in the raising of support. She serves as a part-time U.S.-based partner. Her husband, Phil, though retired, will provide tech support and coaching. Phil and Debra reside in South Carolina.

Pray For

  • effectiveness in the training and coaching of our FMWM missionaries in support raising
  • God’s wisdom and leading in establishing good relationships and connections to assist missionaries
  • a smooth transition back to the U.S. following two years in Spain
Connection: Bible Memorization and Restoration

Connection: Bible Memorization and Restoration

One simple interaction in Paraguay and an offering collected at the National Bible Quiz Finals in the USA are reaping great rewards in Colombia. It all started when missionary and the mission district leader of Colombia, Thad Roller, sat next to Gerry Coates, the...

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It Works!

It Works!

What did a pharmacist really need of faith? Especially one who was raised in a good Catholic home? For 34 years, Iván didn’t think much about faith until his wife became an evangelical Christian. He turned down her invitation to go to church, but over time, as he...

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Redeemed Life—Redeeming Work

Redeemed Life—Redeeming Work

Drugs, violence, crime and participation in the occult were all part of Pastor Efraín Cabrera’s life before God rescued him and radically changed his life! He knows firsthand the vulnerabilities of the youth and adolescents in Paraguay. He also knows the rejection...

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