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Nafissa’s Story

by Rev. Dosseh Takpale | Aug 1, 2021 | HB Africa, HB Mali, Heartbeat

From fear to confidence, this is Nafissa’s story.

Nafissa is from Mali. She lost her husband, and she has been supporting herself and her two daughters through her service in the military. Not long ago, she started having health problems. At first, Nafissa attempted to get help from a traditional healer, but her living conditions and health continued to decline. She also found herself living in a perpetual state of fear. About this time, one of our church members met Nafissa and shared the gospel. She received Jesus and then became involved in our church worship gatherings.

Nafissa loves God and has grown in her love for Him. One night Jesus visited her in a dream and told her she would have a roadblock, and indeed, she did. Nafissa was enjoying her new life in Christ when one of her cousins went to her mother and reported that Nafissa had become a Christian. (She comes from a Muslim family.)

Just before this incident, her boyfriend had a dream that Nafissa was with Christians sharing the gospel. He also reported this to her mother and broke his relationship with Nafissa. From then on, much trouble and persecution came her way. Her mom called her to confirm whether or not the things she had been told were true. When Nafissa confirmed the truth – she was a follower of Jesus – her mother rejected her as a daughter. Now, when Nafissa calls, her mother refuses to take her call.

Nafissa loves her mother very much but still loves Jesus. She received baptism and has given public witness of her faith in Christ. Yet every Sunday, her mother continues to send people to see if Nafissa is at home or church. Because of this, she stopped going to church on Sunday mornings but still has a Bible study with Pastor Debora two days a week. Nafissa said, “I will never go back to my former ways because I saw a big difference with Jesus.”

Pray Nafissa will persevere in her faith. Pray her mother and other family members will come to know Jesus.

*Pictured Above: Pastor Debora