David and Ginegda “Yeya” López are international missionaries who relocated to their home country last year. David is an ordained elder with a successful track record of multiplying disciples, leaders and churches. He is the coordinator for multiplying committed disciples in the Free Methodist Church of Latin America and promotes church planting throughout the region.
Children: David Alejandro, Valery
Pray For
- God’s wisdom and discernment for every team: trainers, mentors, communications and prayer
- the addition of the right team members to implement the vision God has given
- church leaders and pastors to be empowered with the vision to multiply committed disciples in new places
- their children’s physical, emotional and spiritual health
- the Lord to guide them in every area of life and give them strength for ministry and care of their family
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Recent Heartbeat Articles
Crossing the Globe – Spreading the Gospel
Nearly a century ago, in 1928, Massayoshi “Daniel” Nishizumi, a Free Methodist pastor from Japan, embarked on a remarkable mission. He moved to the other side of the world as a missionary to Brazil, preaching to Japanese people who had immigrated to Brazil. But he was...
Continuous Learning: A Blessing for God’s Church
“I don't have time. I don't have money. I’m too old.” These are excuses people often use to stop learning. Pastora Mariana Mafla, the mission district leader in Ecuador, believes continuous formation is a duty and a necessity for every person in the church. Despite...
Cooking in Solidarity
Argentina is in the midst of a deteriorating economic situation. Inflation rose more than 175% this past year. Currently, more than 50% of the population lives below the poverty line. Many families are experiencing increased food insecurity as their wages are no...
Champions of God’s Peace
“The Missionary Graveyard” – is the name some use for Uruguay, a small, secular and atheistic country in South America. Many missionaries have left Uruguay frustrated by the hard hearts of the people. However, nothing is impossible for the Lord of the Harvest! God is...