Pray For
- present conflicts in the Anglophone region of North West and South West
- a vision for expansion, increasing FM work in Douala and all of Cameroon
- training of church leaders and training materials
- God to raise more laborers to expand the work
- purchase of church headquarters property
Free Methodists in Cameroon are enlarging their work by starting new fellowships in Douala and expanding to new cities and regions. Some of their newest outreach points are in Douala. The Rev. Wilson Esambe and his leaders are eager to minister as widely as possible throughout the country. Presently, there is a vast campaign of evangelism and church planting going on around Douala. The FMC Cameroon started a Bible-training program with the objective of training local leaders to become church planters and ministers of the gospel. Those who complete the training will be sent to different regions of the country to start up Free Methodist Churches.
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Free Methodist work in Cameroon was started just before 1990 through an affiliation of several churches in the southwest part of the country. FMCUSA has partnered through the years with the Cameroon church in pastoral training, outreach to children, women’s ministries and some vocational training.
Country Leader
Wilson Esambe Alfred
Cameroon Mission District
Prayercast | Cameroon
Heartbeat | Cameroon
The Logical Choice
Kalson was a member of Full Gospel Mission back home in the north. But when he came to Douala (Cameroon), he occasionally fellowshipped with the Free Methodists. “Occasionally” is an honest and generous adverb. Kalson is a teacher of philosophy and logic. About two years ago, he came south looking for work. He did find work but did not find time for God. He felt he needed God but says about those days, “Because of rent, I needed to work, and so I set the things of God aside.”
Mission District
- Population: 26,461,000
- Evangelical Christians: 9.20%
- FM Work Opened: 1989
- FM Work Re-Opened: 2013
- FM Churches: 8
- FMC Membership: 533
- Ministerial Candidates: 12
- Mission District Leader: Wilson Esambe Alfred
- Ecclesiastical Accountability: FMWM through Africa Area Director Mike Reynen
Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Join the ministry in Cameroon
Church Planting & Development
Supporting Cameroon Church Planting and Development (CPD) will help resource the following people and strategic initiatives:
- Production of materials for pastors who are being trained as pastors and church planters.
- Transportation and upkeep costs for pastors during training sessions.
- Evangelism outreach costs.
- Costs for Pastor Wilson, national leader, as he travels to churches to train and organize outreach.