Tim and Connie Kratzer served in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in the 1980’s. Tim was the medical director of Nundu Deaconess Hospital and Connie homeschooled their sons while also serving as the mission treasurer and provider of support services. After 1996 war prevented them from returning to Nundu. After years away, they returned in 2012 to see the hospital providing medical care under the leadership of the national church.
The Kratzers are now engaged as U.S-Based Partners through Free Methodist World Missions and the Central Africa Healthcare Organization. In addition to their hospital work, they are well-connected with the FMC throughout the DRC. When not in the DRC they encourage and serve to connect international partners with the Free Methodist Church in the DRC for mutual collaboration in the work of God’s Kingdom.
Pray For
- wisdom in providing material assistance in an under resourced economy
- healthy relationships as the Kratzer’s engage in leadership development
adjustments to culture and lifestyle - their work with hospital leadership to establish programs and ministries which are sustainable
- improvement in language acquisition
Obedient to the Call
When forced to leave their home in the Congo, many Free Methodists landed in the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania.The Nyarugusu camp in Tanzania has a population of more than 300,000. In the camp, there are more than 50 FM churches. When communities were forced to...