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The Free Methodist Church in


Joshua & Elizabeth Opena

Asia – U.S. Based Partners

Joshua and Elizabeth responded to God’s call by joining the FMWM-Asian team as U.S.-based partners, supporting the student ministry and church planting initiatives of international missionaries Alan and Ammabellee Bacus in the Philippines and other Asian countries. Additionally, Joshua participates in the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) teaching team by providing continuing education courses for pastors in Asian host countries. He designs and teaches a 24-contact-hour curriculum augmenting pastors’ training while they actively serve their local communities. Prayer and financial support help the Openas fulfill these ministry endeavors.

Pray For

  • the Father to open doors of opportunity for ministry
  • God’s provision of prayer and financial support for Great Commission work in Asia
  • sensitivity to know, believe and obey God’s will
  • a persevering spirit when challenges or obstacles arise
  • seeds of faith will be planted through the Opena’s and will result in a great harvest of fruit

Recent Heartbeat Articles

On Their Own?

On Their Own?

They are on their own now, right? It is a question some have wondered as we joyfully announce the continued growth of several of our Southeast Asian countries, moving from mission district status to becoming annual conferences. The Free Methodist Church (FMC) in...

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