Pray For
- growth of the Hungarian FMC
- the raising and training new leaders and co-workers from within Hungary and from abroad
- positive witness and trust-building in the communities served (Budapest and Gyór)
- further development of the Set Free Movement in Hungary and beyond
- open doors into new communities and populations in Hungary
The Free Methodist Church operates in Hungary as the Bread of Life Foundation, and its charter includes both religious and humanitarian activities.
There are currently two church fellowships in Hungary. Péter Tóth is the pastor of the Budapest fellowship. In addition to church ministries, community outreach events and services include English classes, women’s programs, men’s events, preschool programs, and a weekly recovery group. The Győr fellowship, led by a national leader, Sylvia Nyiri, includes English-language worship services, Bible studies, a university student group, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry, service to the poor, and ministry to orphans.
The Set Free Movement operates in Hungary. Its ministries include:
- Sensitivity training
- Ministry to orphans
- Ministry to convicts.
- Raising awareness with at-risk populations
- Networking with like-minded organizations
- Participation in the European Freedom Network
Set Free teams are working in Budapest and Győr.
Erin Kingsley
Erin Kingsley graduated from Spring Arbor University with a bachelor’s degree in visual arts education. In 2018 she received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Eastern Michigan University. Part of Erin’s educational training included student teaching at Morrison...
Larry & Katie Winckles
Larry and Katie Winckles served as career missionaries in Hungary from 2000 until 2025. They will continue to be part of the FMWM team as U.S.-Based Partners sharing about missions in Europe, serving as advocates and consultants for missionary colleagues and national...
Prayercast | Hungary
Transformed Lives, Transforming Others
Heartbeat | Hungary
Friends with a Cause
For over two decades, we have watched Gabi and Zsuzsi blossom from young girls into remarkable women. Gabi, a social worker in Szeged, Hungary, and Zsuzsi, coordinator for the Set Free Movement...
Faithfulness and Success
Here is a trick question: Which is more important, faithfulness or success? On a recent journey to Europe, I pondered and struggled with this question. We are all amazed at what is happening in...
Mission District
- Population: 9,919,128
- Evangelical Christians: 2.8%
- FM Work Opened: 1995
- FM Churches: 2
- FMC Membership: 42
- Ordained Ministers: 2
- Ecclesiastical Accountability: FMWM through Europe Area Director Josh Fajardo

Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Join the ministry in Hungary
Church Planting & Development
Supporting the Hungary Church Planting and Development Fund (CPD) will help resource the following people and strategic initiatives:
- Budapest Ministry Center operations
- Administrative Assistant
- Recovery Groups
- Budapest Free Methodist Church – Pastor Péter Tóth
- Weekly English class
- Life Skills Program
- Men’s and women’s events
- Community services and celebrations
- Special exhibitions and programs
- Training retreats and seminars
- Music pre-school and mother / baby exercise class
- Housing for assistant pastor and family
- Travel-related expenses to send Hungarian representatives to Church Leaders Conference
- CPD promotional materials
Extra Mile Projects
Budapest Ministry Fund
This fund helps with the ongoing maintenance and improvement needs of the Budapest Ministry Center.
Hungary Development Fund
The Hungary Development Fund is used for church planting initiatives, compassionate ministries, and resourcing projects over and above those that are included in the Hungary Church Planting & Development Fund.
Goal: $10,000
Hungary Set Free Movement
Support for the Set Free Hungary EMP allows for the ongoing work and development of anti-trafficking work throughout Hungary. Set Free Hungary no longer has a single coordinator, instead, Set Free ministries are coordinated by Hungary team members in Budapest and Győr.
Zsuzsa Mecséri-McNamara – Set Free Coordinator
Sylvia Nyiri – oversees the children’s home ministry in Győr
Péter Tóth – oversees the ministry at the Salvation Army shelter in Budapest
Szandra Barat-Abrams – coordinates the annual Walk for Freedom and helps with developing ministries in southern Hungary
Erin Kingsley – assists with children’s ministries