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The Free Methodist Church in


Misha & Lena Petrochenko

Ukraine/Europe – International Missionaries



Contact Misha & Lena Petrochenko

Misha and Lena Petrochenko have served in Rivne, Ukraine since 2010. As director of the Christian Mission, “The Lighthouse of Hope,” Misha oversees the recovery ministry for drug and alcohol addicts. He also serves as the Rivne church team leader and is involved in leading the Next Step program for the men who have fulfilled the rehabilitation program. Lena serves on the leadership team of the Rivne fellowship, directs children’s ministry programs and serves as secretary of the mission.

More recently, Misha and Lena began serving the widows and families who lost loved ones in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Lena leads English classes for the children of fallen soldiers. She also serves on the leadership team for the Volunteer Center, caring for widows and families suffering from the war crisis. The Petrochenkos also involved assist at the Houses of Mercy, one a ministry for elderly men and another for women displaced by the war.

Children: Solomia, Pasha, Davyd

Pray For

  • the war to end and peace to come in Ukraine
  • God’s protection over the Ukrainian cities, civilians and soldiers
  • parents, widows and war veterans to come to church and find peace in Christ
  • children who suffer from the conflict to experience and love of Jesus and grow in Him
  • spiritual transformation for drug and alcohol addicts through the recovery program
  • church growth and spiritual health as new disciples and leaders are trained
  • healthy balance between ministry and family as the Petrochenkos raise three children
Comfort and Support Amid Tears

Comfort and Support Amid Tears

It is impossible to get used to war in your country – death, pain and tears seem never to end. War is violent, painful and destructive, taking innocent lives away. Today, Ukrainians are wounded. The scars will always remind us of those we owe our lives to. Ukrainians...

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