In a very poor, remote mountain village in one of our creative access countries, she is busy weaving the strands of grass together to form a broom. Mrs. T works very hard to care for and feed her 11 children – eight boys and three girls. A few of the older children work odd jobs, but the family has little income. They have a small farm that sells cassava and bamboo in season. FMWM provided a small micro-grant of $500 to help this family purchase raw materials to create these brooms, another seasonal project. The hope is that this “shared sustainability” project will provide enough income to purchase a little food for the family and generate enough capital to save for the following broom-making season.
Mrs. T came to faith in Jesus years ago and then encouraged her husband to believe. Eventually, the entire family followed. Now there is a small church of around 40 people gathering weekly to hear more about the words of God. There is no pastor for them, and there is a great need for them to be discipled. Mrs. T’s husband shares what he can, and some of our young FM leaders regularly travel to this village to teach children English and share words of hope.
“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” The principle of “shared sustainability” reminds us of this verse from Galatians 6:2. Those of us who have received much from the Lord are commanded to bear other’s burdens in order to obey the law of Christ, the law of real love. There is gospel power in this kind of love. When we work and serve together, and when we give and share with those in need, we find we are better together.
FMWM-Asia hopes to begin many new micro-grant, shared sustainability projects across Southeast Asia. Please pray for God to provide the resources and wisdom needed to come alongside needy Asians. With just a little sharing, we can partner with our Heavenly Father and help honor His image in everyone.