The Free Methodist Church in
Asia: A Large Vision for a Large Place
Perhaps you have heard one of us say: “We want by God’s grace to influence 1 million Asian friends to Jesus in the coming years. We think we need at least 10,000 new leaders to do this.” That’s a big vision.
In fact, it is a moonshot! Like Kennedy’s vision to put a man on the moon, which seemed nearly impossible then, we wonder how we may see this vision realized.
It will require all of us to work together as the body of Christ, interdependently, with our unity proclaiming the reality of Christ in us. It will take faith that perseveres when doubts come. It will mean mobilizing resources and knowing our Father will provide to the degree He can trust us with His mission.
But why 1 million? It is much less about a number and more about maintaining a sense of urgency about eternity and the gospel’s proclamation. Confident in God’s eternal purposes, we step up to obey the Great Commission, lifting our eyes to see the hundreds of millions yet to know Jesus.
Many continue to come to Him! Last year, nearly 2000 found faith in Jesus in just three countries in Southeast Asia. New churches were planted in a country where there is tremendous sociopolitical upheaval. Acts of compassion fed thousands as Free Methodists in Asia honored contributions to the Bishops’ Crisis Response Fund.
With thanksgiving, we come to prayer. Would you join Jesus in His mission to reach Asia with the gospel? Here’s how to start:
- Begin with prayers of thanksgiving for the many people who have found the Savior this last year.
- Pray for our goal of reaching over 1 million with the good news of the gospel – perhaps even exceeding this goal.
- Pray for harvest hands, people who will go, and the resources to fund the harvest.
- Pray for churches of every size and shape and for disciples to be mobilized to share with others and plant new churches to make more disciples.
- Pray for national leaders and pastors as they faithfully work in challenging contexts.
- Pray for a revival, an awakening, and a continued spirit of “Better Together” cooperation across FMC-Asia.
- Pray the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) video modules will be developed, funded and produced in multiple languages. Pray these will be effective in leadership formation.
Give to Church Planting and Development (CPD)
Give to Area Development and
Extra Mile Projects (EMP) for Asia

About the Love Asia Fund
Do you have a heart for Asia and want to help us where we find our greatest need? This fund makes that possible! Asia Love Fund enables us to aid certain projects, meet small needs in a missionary’s support or complete a country support budget. It gives us flexibility and the ability to provide funds where needed most.
About the Better Together Events
Better Together Events offer Asian leaders an opportunity to gather in one place for inspiration and unity. These events also help catalyze FMWM Asia’s vision to influence one million Asians for Jesus, which requires training 10,000 national leaders from nearly twenty nations. Better Together Events are vital for leadership development and implementation of the vision.
About the Asia Pacific FM Scholarship Fund
Funds from this project support leadership development for FM graduate students in Asia.
About the Bible for Every Believer Fund
This fund provides Bibles for new believers in Asia. These are usually given when the person is baptized.
People all over the world are searching for the truth. And every year, thousands accept the truth of Jesus Christ through FM ministries (5,000 per year in India alone!). But their search continues as they seek to grow deeper and deeper in their faith …
Many lack a necessary tool – God’s written Word. For only $5, you can provide a new believer on the mission field with a Bible in their own language. Your gift will touch your fellow believer’s heart, allow for vital spiritual growth, and multiply the church around the world. Who can imagine how many souls might be touched and come to know Christ through one mature believer who was properly nourished by the Word of God?
About the Creative Access Bible Translation Fund
This fund supports a Bible translation project in a Creative Access country and is part of a cooperative effort between several different ministry organizations, all working together to see the Bible translated into a new language for the first time.
About the Shared Sustainability Fund
The Shared Sustainability Fund
Including Business as Mission and Kaam Karna Initiatives
Young pastors in Southeast Asia are passionate about spreading the gospel and leading their churches, but many are stuck in poverty, making it difficult to provide for their families. Shared Sustainability offers co-vocational training to indigenous pastors so churches and communities can flourish.
Vision – To provide a pathway for low resourced churches around the world to experience spiritual and economic flourishing and shalom in all its meanings.
Mission – Strengthen the rural and urban low resourced churches.
Your donations help fund our 4-Part Sustainability Plan:
- Teaching, Training & Capacity Building for Church Planting, Evangelism & Discipleship
- Church Centered Asset Community Development (Micro Businesses accessing local and regional markets)
- Community Banking: Church Centered Community Savings Groups
- Agriculture and Animal Expertise for Capacity Building Among Small Hold Farmers / Church Leaders.
Partner with Shared Sustainability, and together we can celebrate as pastors, churches, and entire communities across Southeast Asia flourish!
About the Asia Church Planters Fund
Funds from this project provide training and support for church planters in new areas and countries across Asia.
About the Emerging Leaders Fund
As God calls them to serve, leaders are rapidly emerging across Asia. Developing these emerging leaders requires regular meetings, mentoring, strategizing, etc. FMWM Asia’s vision is to influence one million Asians for Jesus by training 10,000 leaders. Asia Emerging Leaders offers an opportunity to assist in fulfilling this vision.
About the Gethsemane Leadership Training Fund
FMWM-Asia aims, by God’s grace, to influence 1 million people toward Christ in the coming years. We will need some 10,000 well-equipped leaders to reach and disciple these new believers. Funds from this project support the Gethsemane Leadership Training initiative for leadership development.
About the Global Chinese Mission Fund
The Global Chinese Mission fund will assist in promoting the networking efforts to reach Chinese people with the good news of Jesus wherever they are located around the world.
About the Motorcycles 4 Missions Fund
Many pastors and church planters in Asia cannot afford vehicles, yet the locations where they are engaged in ministry require some means of transportation. In Asia, motorbikes are common and enable the work of the Gospel in ways that would not happen without them.
About the Asia Area Literature Fund
Funds provide books and resources for Asian church leaders.
About the WAW Women's Ministry Fund
The Web of Asian Women (WAW) is a network of Asian women developed to connect, inspire, and mobilize Free Methodist women throughout Asia, encouraging them to participate in the Great Commission as they interact with others in their region and country. This fund assists in ministry and events for these women.
Give to Extra Mile Projects (EMP)
Creative Access Asia – IN
- Agape Conference
- Community Development
- Immanuel Conference Projects
- Umri Hospital
- Umri School of Nursing
Creative Access Asia – MR
Creative Access Asia – NP
- Ahon Street Ministries
- Amlan Church Plant
- Crisis and Compassion
- Hope Street Kids
- Kamuning FMC Building Fund
- Light & Life College (LLC)
- LLC Student Scholarships
- National Pastors’ Support
- Philippines Ministry Support
Alan & Ammabellee Bacus
After serving eight years as Bishop of the Philippines, in January 2023, Alan and Ammabellee Bacus joined the FMWM-Asia missionary team as international missionaries. They will assist the Asia team in prayerfully exploring opportunities to launch house churches in targeted gateway cities across Asia while also working toward expanding campus outreach to young adults, a successful strategy launched during Alan’s term as bishop of the Philippines. FMWM-Asia anticipates Alan and Ammabellee’s spiritual influence will enhance the area-wide vision of influencing one million Asians toward Jesus.
Becca trains leaders for church ministry, church planting and evangelism. She is appointed by the Taiwan Annual Conference to assist the Lukai District, one of two tribal districts in the conference. Becca conducts workshops, mentors disciples, leads Bible studies and small groups, and preaches regularly. Becca is an adjunct professor at Holy Light Theological Seminary, which has a global reach through online classes. She is passionate about seeing Taiwan spread the good news to the ends of the earth.
Bryan & Tammy
After working on university campuses in Creative Access-CA for a decade, Bryan and Tammy now serve with the Asia area leadership development team. They work with the Gethsemane Leadership Training pathway to equip and encourage pastors and church planters in Asia, serving those receiving training for ordination. Bryan and Tammy also serve as missionaries in residence for the East Michigan Conference, connecting with refugees in their city and investing in leadership development.
Thom & Sherry Cahill
Thom and Sherry serve across the Asia region, focusing on leadership development. Thom’s roles involve Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT), strategic planning, discipleship, mentoring and coaching, teaching GLT modules, and additional supportive roles to the team. Sherry serves as coordinator of Leadership Lift, GLT teacher and video scriptwriter, video editing as needed, and administrative support to the Asia Area Director. The Cahills have three adult children and three grandchildren.
David Clemente
David Clemente is currently a U.S.- based missionary serving Asia. As a member of the Asia Leadership Team, Dr. David Clemente regularly travels to consult with pastors and supervise selected Asian leaders. He is an Asia Area Assistant Director overseeing FMWM interests in the Philippines, Creative Access Asia IA, and Oceania region. David has a vision for mobilizing partnerships and encouraging support for FMWM-Asia’s vision of influencing a million Asians for Jesus. David’s wife, Sarah, also served as an FMWM missionary in Asia for many years until 2024, when she began serving as the Director of Christian Education for a local church in Illinois.
Darin & Jill
Darin and Jill have ministered in Asia since 2009. Darin serves as Asia Area associate director, and Jill fulfills various mentoring and administrative roles. Their ministry focus is training and credentialing Free Methodist leaders across Asia through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. Darin also works closely with Asia Area Director Eric to develop and implement a mission strategy for the work in Asia.
Richard & Sheila Dickinson
Richard and Sheila Dickinson have served the FM Church in various capacities: pastoring, church planting, and serving as missionaries. Their ministry experience spans six states and three continents. Sheila will train children’s ministry leaders. Richard will train Free Methodist pastors across Asia in Inductive Bible Study Methodology through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. They will also raise financial support for church plants and motorcycles for Asian leaders.
Eric & Virginia
As Asia Area director, Eric has three strategic priorities. He oversees the FMWM missionary team in Asia. He partners with national leaders to build support strategies that will help expand the church. And finally, he works to purposefully connect FMC-Asia with FMC-USA, building mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships. Pastor Eric and his wife, Virginia, have served the Free Methodist Church since 1990.
Trevor Foley
Trevor Foley is an affiliate missionary with FMWM serving persecuted Christians through Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOMK) and working with FMWM Asia to re-establish a viable Free Methodist presence in South Korea. He is a Conference Ministerial Candidate in the Pacific Northwest Conference.
Gene & Minori Hall
Gene and Minori Hall began serving in Japan in August 2019. With Christians comprising only 1% of the population, there is an urgent need for the gospel in Japan. The Halls serve in the area of leadership training in Southeast Asia and Japan, working to equip Christian leaders with the tools to lead well. Their primary focus is developing faithful leaders who develop more faithful leaders, resulting in the multiplication of the gospel, disciples, churches and new leaders.
Helri & Phuong
As vibrant, devoted followers of Jesus, Helri and Phuong have been fruitful in the FMC-Asia and were commissioned as an international missionary couple in November of 2023. Helri is an ordained elder with the Philippine General Conference, and Phuong has been an integral part of the FMC in Creative Access-VN. They were married in August of 2023, with a clear call to ministry evident to all. Helri and Phuong will serve the Kingdom through ministry across Southeast Asia.
Jason & Wendi
Jason and Wendi have been serving with FMWM in Asia since 2011. In June 2022, they will join the SE Asia leadership team to assist in the region’s overall needs. Jason will come alongside others in training and equipping future FMC-Asia leadership by developing English training modules. These modules will be taught on location throughout the SE Asia region and remotely via the internet. In addition to learning the local language, Wendi will seek to make strong connections within the local community while striving to provide a supportive and positive home for their family.
Kristen Marble
Kristen is new to the FMWM-Asia team and will provide support and development for the Asia area as assigned by the Asia Area Director. Her additional assignments will include coaching and encouraging female leadership in Asia and joining the teaching team for Gethsemane Leadership Training.
Mark & Judi Morrison
Mark and Judi Morrison were married in 1980; they have four children and 11 grandchildren. Mark has served in full-time pastoral ministry since 1977. Today he and Judi lead Shepherd Ministries, which is reaching out to university students, ministering to those who have left the local church and encouraging pastors. As VISA missionaries, Mark and Judi provide pastoral care and support to Free Methodist missionaries in Asia. Their role includes encouragement and spiritual nurturing via Zoom calls, email and field visits.
Joshua & Elizabeth Opena
Joshua and Elizabeth responded to God’s call by joining the FMWM-Asian team as U.S.-based partners, supporting the student ministry and church planting initiatives of international missionaries Alan and Ammabellee Bacus in the Philippines and other Asian countries. Additionally, Joshua participates in the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) teaching team by providing continuing education courses for pastors in Asian host countries.
Corey & Connie Persing
The Persings serve full-time in Southeast Asia with a focus on the ministries of Thailand. Corey serves as the national coordinator of ICCM work in Thailand, including the Lahu children’s hostel and other projects across Thailand. He also serves on the Asia Area Leadership Team as a mentor/adviser for national leadership and ministry in Southeast Asia. His role includes working as a “regional reporting and tech coach,” developing an area-wide reporting system to provide financial accountability, integrity and up-to-date information. Connie serves on the Thailand ICCM National Committee and provides hospitality, encouragement and a healthy perspective on their work.
Roger Stone
Roger Stone has been an affiliate missionary since 2008. He and his wife, Vangie, are involved in consulting with the local Bible translation committees for Ayta languages as they translate the Old Testament and help distribute the newly published New Testaments in the Ayta Abellen and Ayta Mag-Indi languages. They also assist with online Bible quizzing in the Philippines.
Susan currently chairs a nonprofit organization that serves as a platform for churches, government and non-governmental organizations in Taiwan and Creative Access Asia – IA. This group is active in sharing love, hope and faith with migrant workers, international students and new immigrants. She served as vice president of administration at Taiwan’s Holy Light Seminary from 2009 to 2015. Previously, Susan was a missionary to Taiwan for 20 years (1976-96).
Seth & Hlawn Hlawn Van Tifflin
Seth and Hlawn Van Tifflin and their three children reside in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Seth serves as the events and new connection coordinator for FMWM-Asia and the executive director of In Better Hands (an affiliate ministry partner of the FMC-USA). In Better Hands was established to care for children at risk of being trafficked and give assistance to widows ( Hlawn serves as the liaison for In Better Hands in Creative Access Country-MR. Seth and Hlawn continue to study the Thai language and culture.
Chris & Yuko Wilkins
Chris and Yuko Wilkins are FMWM missionaries with a vision to encourage discipleship in the church and help believers be involved in kingdom building. In 2022, Chris and Yuko are training pastors and laity to multiply their faith. Train & Multiply is an obedience-based discipleship movement experiencing breakthroughs in Japan. In addition, they assist the ministry of the FM church in Machida in various capacities, teaching at the Tokyo Biblical Seminary, teaching English classes from a biblical perspective, serving in the community, translating and doing street ministry.
Creative Access Asia
Creative Access workers are involved in education, leadership development, discipleship and micro-enterprise.
Support Church Planting
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Gethsemane Leadership Training
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Learn From and Support Leaders
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Couple to Mobilize Young Adults for Church-Planting
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Pioneering Missionaries
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Biblical Justice Learning Experience
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English as a Second Language (ESL)
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Prayer Journey
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About This Ministry...
Possibilities for Many Circumstances
She entered the church silently, moved to where chairs had been set up for a leadership training seminar, and sat down with arms crossed. Enrolled...
Let’s Sing a Hymn!
One evening, after visiting a night market in Taiwan, Trevor and I decided to return to our hotel. As we walked, Trevor gave me updates about his...
Pursuing Jesus
Before arriving in Asia, our prayer was, “Lord, strategically place us where we can minister to people.” The answer was evident when Kelly* smiled...
A Cross-Cultural Union Fueling Asia’s Faith
Helri and Phuong’s story transcends borders. It is a story of shared passion for Jesus. Helri, an ordained elder from the Free Methodist General...
Saying Yes to Unexpected Opportunities
My story begins in Baguio City, Philippines. I was 11 years old when the Free Methodist work began in our city. At an early age, I established a...
Brother, Are You in a Tree?
Brother, are you in a tree? That is an actual question asked during a training conducted for pastors in Creative Access Country-NP. The answer was –...