Pray For
- ICCM ministries to street children in Davao, Butuan City and Manilla as well as the tribal children in La Paz and Sibagat, Agusan del Sur
- major urban church-planting initiatives in Manilla, Baguio, Cebu and Davao
- the FREE LIFE Community movement and the primary leaders as they seek to reach high-school and university campuses across the Philippines
- missionaries sent out by the Philippine FMC to other Asian countries
- the far-reaching impact of Light and Life Colleges of the Philippines Foundation
- wisdom and discernment for Bishop Alan Bacus as he leads the church
The Philippine FMC, a general conference, has 10 annual conferences, an urban missions district movement called Oceans of Life Ministries, and a church-in-formation among tribal groups. Established churches support and nurture new congregations. Leaders are trained at Light and Life Colleges of the Philippines Foundation (formerly Light and Life Bible CollegeButuan City), John Wesley Bible Institute (Manilla) and Light and Life Graduate School of Theology (Bancasi). Schools and feeding programs provide outreach opportunities to children; ICCM sponsors around 1,000 children. FREE LIFE Community (Fully Restored, Equipped and Empowered, Living in Friendship that Evangelizes) is a strategy being used to reach young people. The goal is to have a FREE LIFE Community in key colleges and on university campuses across the Philippines.
Philippine Social Ministries coordinates and supervises social-service ministries. The Philippine FMC also has become an integral missions-sending church.
The church in the Philippines has missionaries in Creative Access Asia – HK, Cambodia, Australia, Creative Access Asia – PN and among tribal groups in the Philippines.
In 1949 missionaries Walter and Gertrude Groesbeck and John and Ruby Schlosser transferred from China to the Philippines. They settled on the island of Mindanao. The first Free Methodist church was constructed at Bunawan. Other missionaries soon joined the two couples. A Bible school was begun in 1955.
Country Leader

Bishop Tereso Lanzon, Jr.
The Philippines General Conference
David Clemente
David Clemente is currently a U.S.- based missionary serving Asia. As a member of the Asia Leadership Team, Dr. David Clemente regularly travels to consult with pastors and supervise selected Asian leaders. He is an Asia Area Assistant Director overseeing FMWM...
Roger Stone
Roger Stone has been an affiliate missionary since 2008. He and his wife, Vangie, are involved in consulting with the local Bible translation committees for Ayta languages as they translate the Old Testament and help distribute the newly published New Testaments in...
Prayercast | The Philippines
Love Asia 2.7 – Free Life
Recent Heartbeat Articles
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Building It Together
The fire started in a tightly packed neighborhood down the block. The fire brigade managed to control the fire keeping the home from being a total loss. No one realized it, but one ember had lodged in the rafters of the corner bakery. Soon the bakery was fully engulfed, a total loss. Two doors away, residents of the Kamuning Free Methodist Church (KFMC) building/parsonage were rousted out of their sleep.
This incident lit a fire under us (pun intended) to renew fundraising efforts for rebuilding this important anchor church in the heart of Manila, Philippines.
General Conference
- Population: 107,377,267
- Evangelical Christians: 13.93%
- FM Work Opened: 1949
- FM Churches: 349
- FMC Membership: 34,559
- Bishop: Tereso Lanzon, Jr.
- Ecclesiastical Accountability: Free Methodist World Conference

Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Join the ministry in The Philippines
Church Planting & Development
Funding the Philippines Church Planting & Development (CPD) account will help resource the following people and strategic initiatives:
- Training, equipping and supporting a small army of church planters who continue the expansion of God’s kingdom in the Philippines.
- Training new pastors and church planters, as well as training to strengthen ministries of those who pastor existing churches.
Extra Mile Projects
Ahon Street Ministries
This project provides funding to tutor, provide health care, and teach life skills to children who are currently living on the garbage dump of Butuan City. Additional orphans are being cared for and housed in a separate facility. Watch “Take Out From,” a video about the Ahon Street Ministries
Amlan Church Plant
Funds from this Extra Mile Project will be channeled to the Philippines General Conference to complete the building of the church structure in Amlan, Cebu, Philippines. The church began through connections with a Filipino FM lady living in Pennsylvania. Superintendent Rev. Allan Prochina visited the lady’s home town in the Philippines to introduce the Free Methodist Church. A group of people meeting in a home participated in a discipleship program, then in baptism. The group grew in number. Land was donated to the group to build a church structure. A work team from Pennsylvania has plans to travel to the Philippines in 2016 to help build the church.
Philippines Crisis and Compassion
Funds given to this project are used to support pastors, church members and the destitute due to medical emergencies, weather-related calamities, hunger and other crises. One example is Pastora Pol Guazon, who had a kidney transplant in 2005 and needs expensive medications for the rest of her life.
Kamuning FMC Building Fund
The Kamuning Free Methodist Church was the first FM church in Metro Manila, Philippines. The church building needs a complete rebuild to bring it up to safety codes and facilitate the ongoing ministry of the congregation and conference. Donations to this fund will help upgrade this resource for greater effectiveness into the future.
Extra Mile Projects
Light & Life Bible College
Light & Life Bible College trains leaders for the Free Methodist Church in the Philippines. The school is becoming a Liberal Arts College.
Light & Life Bible College Student Scholarships
This project provides scholarships for needy theological students at Light & Life College in Butuan City.
Philippines National Pastors’ Support
This project provides additional funding for Filipino church planters and missionaries.
Philippines Ministry Support
This project provides funding for medical, evangelistic, and holistic social ministries in the Philippine General Conference.