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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

It was a hot, sunny day, and our ministry team was visiting one of the refugee camps outside a major city in a creative access country. The team had received a call informing them about Magda, a woman who was widowed when extremists attacked her peaceful village in 2014. Magda’s husband was killed, but she escaped with her seven children. As a result of this trauma, Magda developed type 2 diabetes. She did not work and had no source of income to feed her children.

Informed of the family’s needs, ICCM gave a generous gift toward purchasing goats for Magda to start Seven, a microenterprise. The ministry team helped Magda build a shelter for the seven goats she received, two of which soon gave birth. The ministry provided food packs for the family, goat feed and medications for one year. Now, Magda has 14 goats, several of which are pregnant. She has a flourishing small business selling baby goats and providing for her family.

Animals benefit children and families at ICCM schools and projects in several of the 33 countries served. Animals produce nutritional, educational and economic benefits to children and families in need. Perhaps you and your family or small group would consider giving the gift of an animal to a family as part of your Christmas celebration this year.