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Sana’s Story

by An Impact Middle East Leader | Jan 1, 2024 | Heartbeat, HB Iraq, HB Middle East

On a visit with her family, Sana revealed her feelings and distrust of the new faith that brought her and her family so much trouble. Sana is a young Syrian refugee who is part of a church for majority background believers. She and her extended family moved to Northern Iraq. Sana’s parents and some of her siblings had become Christians in 2018, and the family had gone through many difficulties before coming to our church in 2021. They continued to walk with Jesus and became involved in church ministries. Her father joined a discipleship group and became influential in his neighborhood, sharing his faith with relatives and neighbors. Many people did not like this, and the family was often persecuted. Sana’s father made his living through a small candy shop in a crowded refugee camp, but it had to close because people boycotted the shop. He was considered an infidel due to his conversion to Christianity.

Despite all the pressure, Sana’s father remained firmly committed to his faith in Jesus. Sana, like her father, was persecuted, especially at school. She was asked to cover her head but refused. She was forced to learn some verses from the Qur’an. She had to sit alone, eat alone, walk home alone, and no one wanted to be her friend.

The persecution caused Sana much pain, but she was hesitant to share her pain with her family because she didn’t want to add to their sorrow. Despite her hardships, she studied hard and was an excellent student. However, Sana began to question her Christian faith. She avoided coming to church and kept to herself. Some church members began to visit her regularly and pray with her. The church family cared for Sana as she shared her pain and sorrow, inviting her to attend youth meetings. She eventually became more confident in the Word of God and His promises. Sana realized she was not following an imaginary God but a living God Who cared about her and her needs. She began to truly experience the love of Christ and His care for her through the church family. Sana learned she was not alone.

Please pray for Sana. Pray she will remain strong in her faith and rely on the promises of God. Pray for her family as they continue to face challenges. Ask the Father to provide for their needs.

Photo: Another’s Eyes Photography. Photo is not the actual person