After an earthquake struck their village and the surrounding area, severely damaging their home, Hanada’s family immigrated to the neighboring...
The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions
Sana’s Story
by An Impact Middle East Leader | Jan 2024
On a visit with her family, Sana revealed her feelings and distrust of the new faith that brought her and her family so much trouble. Sana is a...
A Journey To Awakening
by An Impact Middle East Leader | Jan 2024
Although I was born to a family of the majority background and grew up in Syria, I had an extraordinary attachment to the church and loved being...
One Woman’s Journey to Belief
by An Impact Middle East Leader | Jul 2023
My name is Nina.* I was born in Iraq, but in 2014 ISIS attacked our village. The entire village, including my family, became refugees. We moved from...
Learning Firsthand
by An Impact Middle East Pastor | Jan 2022
In Iraq, Haris* had heard about Christians. He had heard they are good people. Haris, his wife and his son learned this firsthand when they found...
The Happiest Day of My Life
by Testimony of Syrian refugee woman in Iraq | Jul 2021
I am Kibar. I was born in Syria to a religious, fundamental Muslim family. My father and mother prayed often and taught my three sisters and me to...
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