Winda was raised an orphan on an island near Haiti. There, in a faith-based orphanage, she was groomed for a life of exploitation. At age 15, Winda was adopted and brought to America, where, despite her hopes for a family, the exploitation continued. When telling her story, Winda recounts how the opportunity to escape aligned perfectly when her wealthy pimp and perpetrators were all inebriated beyond coherence; she took the opportunity and ran, never looking back.
The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions
Yvonne’s Story
by Rachel Kinley | Dec 2021
While at school, her dad’s words of abuse often rang in her ears, and she struggled to focus on learning due to her lack of sleep. Yvonne was an ICCM-sponsored child. She was thankful for the opportunity to go to school and prayed for her sponsors every day, and she knew they were praying for her.
Pastors’ Families and ICCM: A ‘Great Commission’ Partnership
by Jan Coates | Dec 2021
International Child Care Ministries (ICCM) is in a Great Commission partnership with pastors’ families around the world. In countries where pastors have significant income limitations, ICCM is helping. Sponsorship provides pastors’ children with school uniforms and fees and supplemental food. Pastors are able to care for their families and focus on ministry.
From the Front Lines of the Fight to the Front Lines of Transformation
by Eddy Johanna Ramírez | Nov 2021
Colombia is a country of great diversity – diverse landscapes, climates, fruits and people. This diversity is also reflected in generational differences. Many in the younger generation are discontent. In 2021, young people were on the frontlines of protests and marches against the government. Willing to do whatever it takes, they are very aware that on many occasions, these protests change from an intended peaceful tone to one of violence, often resulting in the death of civilians and police officers. The lack of clear and effective opportunities to improve their lives and see hope for a better future often causes protests to evolve into a wake of desolation, rage and destruction.
Raising Resilient Leaders
by Dr. Glenn Lorenz | Nov 2021
Developing a multiplying movement of transformational churches requires a robust system to form leaders. Four years ago, the Latin America area developed a curriculum designed to be offered in various formats and by a wide range of church leaders.
Following God’s Plan
by Jardy Castro and Beth Gómez | Nov 2021
Like many before and after him, José Carrasquel left Creative Access Country X in search of a better life. He planned to travel to Chile, where his brother-in-law had already settled, but Jóse only had enough money to reach the first town across the border in Brazil. He soon realized God had a different plan.
Building It Together
by Dr. Darin, Asia Area Associate Director | Oct 2021
The fire started in a tightly packed neighborhood down the block. The fire brigade managed to control the fire keeping the home from being a total loss. No one realized it, but one ember had lodged in the rafters of the corner bakery. Soon the bakery was fully engulfed, a total loss. Two doors away, residents of the Kamuning Free Methodist Church (KFMC) building/parsonage were rousted out of their sleep.
This incident lit a fire under us (pun intended) to renew fundraising efforts for rebuilding this important anchor church in the heart of Manila, Philippines.
Turning Lunch into Life
by Eric, Asia Area Director | Oct 2021
As part of our gatherings in Creative Access-VN, we prioritize testimonies of church planters and people who have made commitments to Jesus. This...
Always a Friend for Jesus
by Susan | Oct 2021
There are over 700,000 migrant workers in Taiwan, with Indonesians being the largest group, numbering around 260,000. Eighty percent of the Indonesian migrant workers are women, serving as caregivers in the homes of elderly Taiwanese. They work long hours, almost 24/7, and have very little time off. The children of the elderly usually don’t live with them, so it is hard to find a substitute for their day off.
New Ministry in Albania
by Josh Fajardo, Europe Area Director | Sep 2021
FMWM-Europe is pleased to announce the start of new work in Albania led by Algent and Erjona Bregu. The Bregus are appointed as community engagement coordinators. Algent works full time as a barber and engages his community through cycling, fishing and camping ministries. He has also participated in the Community Church Planting (CCP) training in Thessaloniki, Greece. Erjona is a certified primary school teacher. They plan to establish a learning center in Korça, where they will minister to children from needy families. This center will offer educational and social programs. Their passion is to help develop healthy children and families who will become mature and effective witnesses for Jesus Christ in their community.
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