Spiritual oppression is real in Cambodia and Thailand. Both countries have significant levels of poverty and oppression. Materialism is the new...
The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions
Power and Potential in Community
by Emily Hlavka Freed | Dec 2023
Picture a circle of young Togolese women. They are gathered for the Thrive/Wunders training. Yvonne, the Thrive Kenya leader conducting the...
Planting and Growing in Latin America
by Laura Fitzpatrick | Dec 2023
From the plentiful plains of Argentina to the mountainous coffee-bean farms of Colombia, much of Latin America is known for its fertile soil and...
A Path to Restoration and Multiplication
by Pastor Pedro Miguel Flores, Costa Rica Mission District Leader | Nov 2023
Leaders play a significant role in the construction of every society and community. In a world of constant change, the importance of trained and...
Moved by the Spirit
by Leobenyg Barreto | Nov 2023
Esmeraldas is a beautiful province on the Ecuadorian Pacific Coast adorned by a brilliant sun, with waves hitting the boats that sail through its...
Latin America’s Movement to Fight Human Trafficking
by Jazmin Castillo Cativa | Nov 2023
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines human trafficking as the third-most-lucrative crime for international mafias after drug...
by Jan Coates | Oct 2023
Asia Creative Access: Pray believers will continue to find creative ways to get the Word of God to those living in places where Christianity is...
Freed from Slavery
by Pastor M, with Asia Area Director Eric | Oct 2023
God is at work in Creative Access-PN, and He is working through the Free Methodist churches there. Hear this story from one of our key leaders,...
Participating Together Work of the Spirit
by Asia Area Director Eric with Superintendent Pa Kep | Oct 2023
Kyaw Aung is an example of one who realized his spiritual needs when his physical needs were met. This often happens through the generosity and...
Despair to Hope!
by Asia Area Director Eric and Superintendent Daniel | Oct 2023
Imagine living without hope in a remote Cambodian village. Now imagine attending worship Sunday morning at a local Free Methodist Church. You might...
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