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Free Methodist World Missions


Caring for Missionaries

Caring for Missionaries: Who Ministers to Those Who Minister? (.pdf)

“Read on to learn more about the kinds of things that bring stress into a missionary’s life and some ideas on how you and your church can best come alongside your missionaries.”

When a Missionary Visits Your Church: Preparation (.pdf)

Steps to take to best prepare for visits with missionaries.

When a Missionary Visits Your Church: Financial Facts (.pdf)

Quicklinks and definitions for giving and making ongoing commitments to FMWM.

12 questions you can ask a missionary that will help them stay on the field (.pdf)

Brenda Bosch identified 12 top stressors that missionaries face on the field. We can help them deal with that stress by asking simple questions.

14 Things Your Missionaries Might Like to Tell You, but Feel Inhibited (.pdf)

“Your church’s missionaries periodically pay you a brief visit. 
There are things your visiting missionaries might wish to tell you but feel they cannot…”

Supporting a Worker in a Creative Access Country (.pdf)

“Although communication challenges do exist, these workers need your encouragement. Contact with their support base is vital to their morale.”

Local Church Resources

2022 Country List

List of countries where the Free Methodist Church is active around the world.

FMWM Resource List

A list of resources provided by FMWM to promote missions in your church.

Evaluating Our Missions Hearts (.pdf)

Use these questions to spur conversations about your church’s missions heart.

Church Giving "Best Practices"

Following the 11 steps outlined in these instructions will link your church donations to your commitment, ensuring accuracy of current commitment balances.

Guiding People Toward Global Service (.pdf)

When someone in your local church expresses an interest in missionary service, you have a great opportunity to make a connection that will touch the world.

Global Local Church (.pdf)

How to build a local missions organization in your church.

Immigrants Who Are Your Neighbors (.pdf)

A one-page guide on welcoming immigrants in your community.

Engage Immigrants Who Are You Neighbors (.pdf)

Resources for welcoming immigrants in your community

The Worldwide FMC (.pptx)

A powerpoint presentation to share about FM World Missions in your community.

The Worldwide FMC: Widescreen (.pptx)

A powerpoint presentation to share about FM World Missions in your community (widescreen format).