Pray For
- continued formation of a healthy, strong church in Liberia
- evangelism throughout Liberia
- a solid beginning of the FMC in Sierra Leone
- continued expansion to all counties of Liberia
- effective ministry of the primary schools
Liberia became a provisional annual conference in early 2020. A new church-planting initiative is underway, and property is being developed for a permanent church site in Monrovia. The Liberian church has also started primary schools in several churches, with plans for more in other churches. Rev. Kahn has set in motion the start-up of the FMC in Sierra Leone.
A Liberian graduate of West Africa Theological Seminary (then WIBC) in Nigeria established a church plant in the capital city of Monrovia in 1998. In the beginning, the Nigerian church helped oversee Free Methodist work in Liberia. In May 2010, the church moved from church-in-formation to mission district status, with the Rev. Rufus Kahn as the national leader.
Country Leader
Superintendent B. Rufus Kahn
Liberia Provisional Annual Conference
Prayercast | Liberia
A Simple Prayer
Throughout the Country
Identifying Leaders
A Vision to Reach New People Groups
The vision is being fulfilled. The Wesley Missionary Institute (WMI) outside Lomé, Togo, was created for the purpose of training Africans to be...
Finding the Open Door
Mamoud Koroma is his name. He joined us after serving with another church. The pastor of this church had died, and young Koroma was unsure what he...
Provisional Annual Conference
- Population: 5,005,000
- Evangelical Christians: 12.57%
- FM Work Opened: 1998
- FM Churches: 14
- FM Membership: 895
- Ordained Ministers: 11
- Ministerial Candidates: 22
- Superintendent: B. Rufus Kahn
- Ecclesiastical Accountability: FMWM through Africa Area Director Mike Reynen
Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Join the ministry in Liberia
Church Planting & Development
Support for Liberia Church Planting and Development (CPD) will help resource the following people and strategic initiatives:
- the national leader’s travel to churches and church plants as he carries out the duties of a superintendent and serves as coordinator of Village Church Planting
- production of church planting training materials
- books, food and transportation costs related to seminar training for pastors who need preparation for ministry
- tuition, transportation and food expenses for a pastor whose studies are being funded at a Bible college in Monrovia
Extra Mile Projects
Liberia Church Building Project
The FMC in Liberia is establishing a church and head office in Monrovia, the capital city. Land has been purchased with the Liberia church raising a significant portion of the cost and partners helping with the remainder. Funds from this project will help complete the building.
Liberia Village Church Planting – Free Methodist Church – USA (
The Liberia Free Methodist Church is multiplying its church plants by using Village Church Planting methods. This involves careful training of church planter pastors and guiding them in their first and subsequent generation church plants. The training and guiding incurs some costs. This account supports production of materials and some of the transportation costs of giving guidance to three areas where multiple church plants are underway.
Africa VISA Voyagers: Resident Teachers for Ministerial Education
Potential locations for assignment include Great Commission Bible School, Malawi, Wesley Missionary Institute, Togo, or Liberia in its pastoral education program. Individuals would commit to a year or longer service. There are great opportunities to help individuals develop in ministry. Malawi and Liberia systems are modular, Togo is residential. Interested teachers will discuss with field leadership to discern a best place of service.
Africa VISA Team: Church Construction/School Repairs
This is for teams who wish to participate in the project of constructing a church or repairing school buildings. In most cases this would include working under the direction of local builders. It could include cement block laying, cement work, basic woodworking. Often the projects are in hot environments. Good health is a necessity. Team size could be between four and ten members.