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The Free Methodist Church in

Sierra Leone

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Pray For

  • further training of pastors in church planting as well as FM orientation
  • formation of partnerships with a few U.S. churches or individuals who can help give financial support for this new work
  • the Spirit to help form a solid core of leadership
  • the Rev. Rufus Kahn as he continues to give oversight and training for this work


In 2016 the Rev. Rufus Kahn (Liberia) began making plans to reach across the border to Sierra Leone. By 2017 he had his contact, Mbawa, a church planter and pastor. Mbawa is a Sierra Leonean who worked for years in Liberia but returned to Sierra Leone in 2018. Pastor Rufus began making visits to Sierra Leone as Mbawa started establishing a small network of pastors. The work formally opened in 2019, with Pastor Rufus continuing to give oversight and training.

Prayercast | Sierra Leone




  • FM Churches: 4
  • FM Membership: 390
  • FM Work Opened: 2019
  • Ecclesiastical Accountability: FMWM through Africa Area Director Mike Reynen


Angola highlighted on a globe, on the southwest coast of Africa

Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Join the ministry in Sierra Leone

Church Planting & Development

The FMC began work in Sierra Leone in 2018, formally opening in 2019.  Support for the Sierra Leone Church Planting & Development Fund assists with our partnership in planting churches, developing pastors and giving oversight to the work.