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The Free Methodist Church in


Paulo & Clara Bettiol

Spain/Europe - International Missionaries



Contact Paulo & Clara Bettiol

Paulo and Clara are international missionaries from Brazil. Paulo is an architect by profession.

He has served in administration, leading teams and serving communities in the Nikkei Conference of Brazil. Clara is a Third Culture Kid (TCK) with a multicultural background and has worked in the field of education for more than 20 years.

Paulo previously served FMC Europe in Hungary from 2005-2006. He will begin serving the Europe area remotely in September 2024 working alongside Europe Area Director Josh Fajardo giving support in administration, finance, leadership training and community development. They will transition to Madrid in the summer of 2025, where Clara will serve in education and training at the Mosaico Learning Center and missionary schools in the Province of Madrid. Paulo and Clara have a 6-year-old son, Jonas, who is an avid soccer fan.

Pray For

  • the remaining time in Brazil as they prepare for the move and transition to Spain in the summer of 2025
  • church visits in Brazil and the U.S. to raise awareness of the work in Europe and establish prayer and financial partners
  • wisdom as Paulo starts his ministry role, supporting Josh Fajardo and Larry Winckles in September of 2024
  • Jonas as he grows and understands the truths of the gospel
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