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The Free Methodist Church in

Latin America

Ricardo & Beth Gómez

Latin America Area Director



Contact Ricardo & Beth Gómez

Based out of Medellín, Colombia, Ricardo Gómez serves as area director for Latin America. He oversees the U.S. missionaries and national leaders in 17 countries as they implement the shared vision to participate with God in the restoration of Latin America by developing healthy leaders, multiplying committed disciples and empowering transformational churches. Beth serves alongside him in the areas of administration and communication.

Children: Juliana, Jonathan

Pray For

  • discernment, wisdom and balance for Ricardo and Beth’s effective ministry and leadership
  • biblical restoration throughout Latin America
  • safety as they travel throughout the region
  • the overall health of their family and plans for the future

2022 Latin American Leadership Summit

June 2021 CCP Video Report

Recent Heartbeat Articles

Sickness to Health: Community Transformation

Sickness to Health: Community Transformation

Worldwide, we see humanity experiencing crises and distress, particularly in developing nations. Creative Access Country-X is no exception. The medical clinic project in Creative Access Country-X was born out of a desire to participate with God in the restoration of...

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Discipling: No Distance or Age Limitations

Discipling: No Distance or Age Limitations

Agua Prieta, Mexico, is a town on the country’s border with the United States, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. This is where Myrna Galvan lived, received the Disciples that Multiply Disciples (DMD) training, and started a “house of peace.” Shortly after the...

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Bitterness to Forgiveness

Bitterness to Forgiveness

Can you imagine immigrating from Central America to Europe? Because of growing violence among youth in El Salvador, immigrating to Spain is exactly what Shelvi did. A young woman from El Salvador, Shelvi came to Spain to start a new life and find a safe place for her...

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A New Awakening

A New Awakening

Marlín, a 51-year-old woman, thought her life was perfect! Her family was just as she had dreamed, and she had a wonderful job doing what she was passionate about – teaching. As a teacher, she thought she was prepared to face any difficult situation, until one day,...

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