Pray For
- protection and provision for leaders, believers and their families
- God’s continued provision for a lifelong transformation to happen through the school, clinics and addiction-recovery ministries
- wisdom and guidance for the leaders as they guide and direct the conference and mission district
- the continuing multiplication of committed disciples and development of healthy leaders
Present Ministries
Annual Conference
Despite the social, political and economic challenges and frequent immigration of church members in search of a better future, this continues to be the largest and fasting-growing conference in Latin America. Its holistic ministry includes an FM school for over 400 students, a Bible institute that trained 232 people last year, a low-cost dental/medical clinic, a soccer school, and a pollito (chicken) project providing meat and eggs to members of the community.
Mission District
The biggest thing happening in this mission district, located in the country’s capital city, is the creation of a new medical clinic. It will also house the existing homes for the elderly and addiction-recovery ministry. The district serves a wide range of people, from rock musicians to a fast-growing ministry for people who are deaf and mute.
Recent Heartbeat Articles
I Choose Jesus
Four years ago, Olga Beatriz Gómez Alzate arrived in Medellin, Colombia, from Creative Access Country X. She moved into the Alfonso López...
Developing the Next Generation of Leaders
For a long time, we have emphasized family discipleship within the church. Through much prayer and intentional discipleship, we are witnessing the...
Sickness to Health: Community Transformation
Worldwide, we see humanity experiencing crises and distress, particularly in developing nations. Creative Access Country-X is no exception. The...
Following God’s Plan
Like many before and after him, José Carrasquel left Creative Access Country X in search of a better life. He planned to travel to Chile, where his brother-in-law had already settled, but Jóse only had enough money to reach the first town across the border in Brazil. He soon realized God had a different plan.
One Body
Psalm 42 is a precious portion of God’s Word. Here the psalmist opens his soul and allows us to see his reality and emotions: exhaustion, sadness, anguish, loneliness and a crisis of faith. What a contrast to our expectations from a servant of the Lord! Amid the pandemic, many of our Latin American leaders have experienced similar circumstances and deep emotions.
Annual Conference:
- FM Churches: 11
- FM Membership: 2,917
- FM Work Opened: 1984
- Superintendent: Casto
Mission District
- FM Church Plants: 5
- FM Church Plants: 5
- FM Membership: 447
- FM Work Opened: 2018
- Superintendent: Hector
Photo Credit: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Join the ministry in Creative Access Country – X
Give – Annual Conference
Commit – Annual Conference
Give – Mission District
Commit – Mission District
Annual Conference Church Planting & DevelopmentÂ
Support for Creative Access Latin America -X Church Planting and Development (CPD) will help resource the following strategic initiatives:
- A network of home fellowships reaching people of all ages for Christ.
- New church plants and multiplied home groups in the capital city and in three other provincial capitals.
- A Bible institute.
Mission District Church Planting & Development
The Church Planting and Development Fund for Mission District Occidente resources the following:
- A growing network of community church plants in the capital city and surrounding areas
- Integral ministry to the homeless and the elderly
- A drug rehabilitation program
- A medical clinic
- A church for the hearing impaired
- Pastoral formation and leadership development programs
Extra Mile Projects
Medical Clinic
Through this medical clinic project in the capital city of Latin America Creative Access Country-X, the church will offer medical assistance in various specialties at low costs, with excellent care, by trained and experienced medical personnel. The clinic will serve the most vulnerable, including the disabled, the elderly and children, providing free medical examinations. Regularly scheduled free vaccination days for children will help prevent future diseases. Preventative health seminars will address such topics as healthy diet and exercise, drug abuse, and the dangers of casual sexual activity.