In early February 2021, the Costa Rica Free Methodist Church received Pastora Naya Sucre, her husband and her son from Creative Access Country X. Several years ago, responding to the Community Church Planting (CCP) movement’s invitation, Naya and her husband opened their home to share Christ with their neighbors. Their small group outgrew even the large tent in their backyard.
God grew within Naya’s heart a call to the pastorate. Together with her family, she pastored the Iglesia Metodista Libre Aposento Alto (The Upper Room Free Methodist Church) for many years and even planted new churches. Recently, God called her again. This time the call was to go as an international missionary and serve the church in Costa Rica.
The family’s arrival was like a balm for our mission district. The FMC in Costa Rica found itself in a difficult situation and urgently needed to find leaders willing to serve God with all their hearts and willing to help revive the existing church expand while expanding the kingdom of God in Costa Rica.
The Bible teaches us that the church of Christ has many members, “but all its many parts form one body” (1 Corinthians 12:12). We are grateful to God and to the FMC leadership in Latin America for moving an important part of the body of Christ from Creative Access Country X to Costa Rica. Pastora Naya is a woman of faith and courage. She came willing to give her all for the growth of the Free Methodist Church of Costa Rica.
And so, when Pastora Naya’s family arrived, we were pleased. Pastors, leaders and members of the FMC in Costa Rica gave them a warm welcome! We took the opportunity to get to know them and share a precious time. Through Pastora Naya, we see the living reflection of God’s restoration of Latin America through the Free Methodist Church. The FMC is developing healthy leaders and multiplying committed disciples even on an international level. Through Pastor Naya and the mobilization of many other leaders and pastors, we see firsthand how people are increasingly committed to empowering Christian churches worldwide to carry out the message of salvation.
We have been honored to receive Pastor Naya. Like her, we desire to awaken within Costa Rica leaders and disciples who actively participate in God’s mission of supporting sister churches and seeing their communities transformed for Christ!
Pastor Pedro Flores is the mission district leader in Costa Rica.