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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Following God’s Plan

Following God’s Plan

Like many before and after him, José Carrasquel left Creative Access Country X in search of a better life. He planned to travel to Chile, where his brother-in-law had already settled, but Jóse only had enough money to reach the first town across the border in Brazil. He soon realized God had a different plan.

One Body

One Body

Psalm 42 is a precious portion of God’s Word. Here the psalmist opens his soul and allows us to see his reality and emotions: exhaustion, sadness, anguish, loneliness and a crisis of faith. What a contrast to our expectations from a servant of the Lord! Amid the pandemic, many of our Latin American leaders have experienced similar circumstances and deep emotions.


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Heartbeat Print Version
Missions Hotline Email
Missionary Newsletters

Statement of Ownership 2023