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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Honduras: Pray for a spiritual awakening among leaders and in churches, bringing about renewed passion for the lost and the desire to see...

South Africa: Pray for the South African General Conference as they implement the Life Pathway Journey, an intentional plan for discipling and...

Uruguay: Pray for the annual meeting of this mission district, April 26-29, in Durazno. Ask the Father to encourage and renew all those who attend.

Jordan: As regional violence continues, many in Jordan are beginning to ask questions and explore matters of faith. Pray many will be drawn to Jesus.

Southeast Asia: Pray Bryan will develop deep relationships with national leaders. Ask the Father to give him Spirit-inspired creativity as he works...

Sweden/Denmark: Praise the Lord! There are now five churches in these two countries. Pray the Lord will bless and multiply these churches.

Ghana: The FMC in Ghana aims to have 100 sustainable and self-propagating churches by 2031. Pray for workers and the physical and spiritual...

Japan: Pray the Holy Spirit will move in amazing ways in Japan, defeating the powers of evil and darkness and unlocking the hearts and minds of...

Ecuador: Please pray for Becky Crouse’s health, for wisdom in ministry and healthy patterns of life, and for her two daughters who are studying and...

Asia: Pray for the growing team of FMWM-Asia missionaries and leaders. Ask the Father to give them a holy zeal to pursue Jesus, share the gospel and...


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