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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Set Free Movement/Wunders: Wunders hopes to provide menstrual hygiene kits for more than 2,000 young women and girls this year. Pray for the growth...

Guinea Bissau: Thank the Lord for the four fellowships in Guinea Bissau and their ministry to children, young people and families. Pray for the...

Middle East: As conflicts in the Middle East continue, pray the words of Psalms 147:3 for those suffering, asking the Father to heal the...

Colombia: Pray specifically for these new places where the Colombian Mission District would like to open or strengthen ministries – Calí, Neccoclí,...

Creative Access-IN: As opposition and persecution increase, pray believers will remain faithful and the church will display the love of Christ in a...

France: Pray for the continued growth and ministry of the Haitian church in Cergy and the growth of ministry to African immigrants.

Oceania: Pray for the newly established work in Creative Access-MA and Singapore. Pray the Spirit will bring new believers to the small fellowships...

Angola: This mission district is under the Brazilian General Conference and has increased to more than 4,700 members. Pray for the continued...

Bolivia: Pray the Lord will open doors to establish a radio station in Bolivia as a tool for sharing the gospel.

ICCM: ICCM in Ethiopia has started a printing business and a sewing center. Pray for these projects as they come alongside the ICCM schools...


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