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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Ecuador: The mission district is implementing Raices in its ministry to children. Pray each child will develop deep roots of faith and courage to...

Portugal: Pray for opportunities to share the gospel through special Christmas services and ministries to the needy in the community.

Creative Access-RA: This country in Central America recently shifted to creative access status. Pray the FM schools and churches can continue to...

West Africa: Pray God will call individuals and couples who will join the missionary team in West Africa.

Jordan: As Christmas approaches, pray for pastors and churches in Jordan as they proclaim news of the Prince of Peace.

ICCM: Pray for Sarah Moreno, who assumed the role of ICCM regional coordinator for Latin America earlier this year. Ask the Lord to give her wisdom...

Argentina: Pray for the ministry of the Harbor in Buenos Aires, as they recruit emerging Free Methodist leaders who would study at the University of...

France: In this very secular culture, pray the FMC will find creative ways to reach diverse groups of people with the good news of Christ and for...

Cambodia: As Helri and Phuong prepare to move to Cambodia in early 2025, pray for good health, adequate resources and sensitivity to the Spirit’s...

South Sudan: Praise the Lord for a group of 40 churches in the process of connecting with the FMC. Pray for clear communication and educational...


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