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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Gethsemane Leadership Training

Gethsemane Leadership Training

Teach one of our elective modules, such as preaching, children’s ministry, small group ministry, or pastoral counseling (according to your area of gifting and passion).

Learn From and Support Leaders

Learn From and Support Leaders

Come and support the vision of the FMC in Cambodia to plant over 300 house churches. Live in Phnom Penh and work with the Cambodia FMC and leaders from other cultures.

Prayer Journey

Prayer Journey

Spend time in Southeast Asia learning about God’s heart for the world. Visit with missionaries and meet members of the Free Methodist family in Asia.



This one-year cross-cultural missional training and development program, with eight months spent in Southeast Asia gives opportunity to be better equipped for cross-cultural ministry in the U.S.

Kevin Austin

Kevin Austin

Kevin Austin is an FM missionary working domestically and globally through the Set Free Movement to end human trafficking. With roots in the 19th-century abolitionist movement, the Free Methodist Church is again championing the cause of holistic freedom. Now, as then, Free Methodists have a special passion for the poor and those vulnerable to injustice.

Children: Elijah, Matthias


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Missionary Newsletters

Statement of Ownership 2023