Approximately 200,000 migrants from Africa have landed on European shores in the last three years alone. This number adds to the 7 million already living in Europe. The majority of these African immigrants will be granted asylum and seek a path to residency or citizenship. A few years ago, I met the Rev. Albert Delali at the annual conference for the U.K. and Ireland. Albert is from Ghana but has been living in the London area since 2002. He shared his journey and the testimony of how he arrived in the U.K. He also shared his passion for missions and desire to network with African immigrants in the U.K. and across Europe. Last year, we continued talking about how best to partner. Then the pandemic hit. The need to collaborate and strategize about reaching the African diaspora on the European continent became even more evident. As a result, the FMC-Europe and the FMC-U.K. have formed an alliance to address this strategically. Therefore, the birth of the Africa-Europe Church Network.