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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Thriving from East to West…Africa

Thriving from East to West…Africa

Thrive Kenya leaders Yvonne Mtafuta and Lillian Kanji were excited, eager and a bit nervous in the weeks leading up to their first international mission trip. They had the opportunity to travel to West Africa where they would share about Thrive with the FMC in Lomé, Togo. Yvonne and Lillian loved the experience of “international travel.” Flying for the first time is always exciting – right? But there was so much more that made this trip an unforgettable experience for them and others!

Hope Project

Hope Project

“Chiyembekezo” is the Chichewa word for hope. ICCM’s Chiyembekezo project seeks to care for the poorest of the poor in their community. More than half of the children sponsored through ICCM in Malawi are orphans. While some live with guardians or members of their extended family, the caretakers face difficulty in meeting their needs without help. Sponsorship through ICCM makes it possible for these children to receive holistic care.

She Didn’t Know

She Didn’t Know

Irene knew she wanted to go to university to pursue a teaching degree after graduating from high school. What she didn’t know was where she would get the funds. A year after finishing high school, she met and married her husband, and over the next 10 years, they had three children. Still, Irene’s desire to go to university remained.

From Orphan to Child of God

From Orphan to Child of God

Winda was raised an orphan on an island near Haiti. There, in a faith-based orphanage, she was groomed for a life of exploitation. At age 15, Winda was adopted and brought to America, where, despite her hopes for a family, the exploitation continued. When telling her story, Winda recounts how the opportunity to escape aligned perfectly when her wealthy pimp and perpetrators were all inebriated beyond coherence; she took the opportunity and ran, never looking back.

Yvonne’s Story

Yvonne’s Story

While at school, her dad’s words of abuse often rang in her ears, and she struggled to focus on learning due to her lack of sleep. Yvonne was an ICCM-sponsored child. She was thankful for the opportunity to go to school and prayed for her sponsors every day, and she knew they were praying for her.

Pastors’ Families and ICCM: A ‘Great Commission’ Partnership

Pastors’ Families and ICCM: A ‘Great Commission’ Partnership

International Child Care Ministries (ICCM) is in a Great Commission partnership with pastors’ families around the world. In countries where pastors have significant income limitations, ICCM is helping. Sponsorship provides pastors’ children with school uniforms and fees and supplemental food. Pastors are able to care for their families and focus on ministry.

Still Thriving

Still Thriving

In 2015 a group of young women came together to form the Thrive Ladies discipleship group. Their original purpose was to encourage one another and carry each other’s burdens. As they grew, their vision also grew. They became advocates for those younger than themselves, providing a safe place for girls to share about their challenges. The Thrive Ladies participated in several training programs to educate and equip themselves to effectively minister to others.


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