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The Free Methodist Church in

The Middle East

Dale & Dawn

Middle East



Dr. Dale is area director for the Middle East region. In this capacity, he is also executive director of Impact Middle East, through which the FMC serves in this region of the world. Dr. Dale and his wife, Dawn, have served with the FMC for 37 years as members of the East Michigan Conference.

Contact Dale & Dawn

Pray For

  • opportunities in a challenging region
  • language and cultural learning and understanding
  • wisdom and understanding of strategic priorities for reaching people with the gospel of Christ
Impact Middle East
A New Start

A New Start

We invited him to our house-church meeting to share how he had become a follower of Christ. Although he was shy and hesitant to speak in front of others, he began his tory. "I was living in darkness. Through the years, I tried all kinds of drugs. I sold all I had to...

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How Can I Forgive

How Can I Forgive

Sumayya*, a Yazidi girl, had attended a seminar about forgiveness at our center. I later visited her at home to ask her about the seminar and her thoughts about the topic. Her mother and two of her siblings were present as well. Sumayya shared that she couldn’t...

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“I loved the message, but…”

“I loved the message, but…”

We invited a woman from one of our searching groups to join us for an event explicitly organized to reach people for Christ. The messages we delivered were very clear, and we felt the Holy Spirit surrounding and touching the event and many hearts. When the event was...

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Learning Firsthand

Learning Firsthand

In Iraq, Haris* had heard about Christians. He had heard they are good people. Haris, his wife and his son learned this firsthand when they found refuge in our country more than three years ago after fleeing their homeland. Haris and his family are of Sabean...

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The Lord Goes Before Us

The Lord Goes Before Us

I visited a village where I had never been before. I planned to start a house church there and came to gather information about the area, the people and the culture. While sitting at the coffee shop, I prayed and asked God to guide me to a man of peace. From...

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The Strong One

The Strong One

Em-Elias asked me to have a meeting at her home and speak about love and forgiveness. A few days later, I held the meeting and spoke about the importance of forgiveness in the Christian faith. Em-Elias was listening carefully. After a while, she asked me to repeat...

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