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The Free Methodist Church in

The Middle East

Hany & Joanne

Middle East



Hany and Joanne work in church planting and leadership development with Impact Middle East. Hany founded a training center, the Noor Center (Noor in Arabic, meaning “light”), to work with refugees. The Noor Center’s mission is “Bringing Healing, Light and Hope to Refugees and the Hurting.” In the region where the center is located, there are approximately 2 million refugees, most under 18. All these children and their mothers are at high risk of being exploited into slave labor, sex trafficking, or recruited into regional militias or even ISIS. Joanne works with abused women, bringing the hope of wholeness into broken lives. She also leads the Whole Woman Initiative.

Contact Hany & Joanne

Pray For

  • protection for Hany and Joanne in a region where spiritual warfare is fierce
  • a spirit of wisdom and discernment for choosing and developing new local leaders and church planters
  • emotional health and strength in dealing daily with the trauma so many refugees have experienced
  • the Noor Center
  • the midwives being trained, and mothers and babies being cared for through the Whole Woman Initiative
Impact Middle East
Partnering for the Sake of the Kingdom

Partnering for the Sake of the Kingdom

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The Cost of Following

The Cost of Following

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One Woman’s Journey to Belief

One Woman’s Journey to Belief

My name is Nina.* I was born in Iraq, but in 2014 ISIS attacked our village. The entire village, including my family, became refugees. We moved from place to place with no clothing or possessions — and often little food. Finally, we began living in a refugee camp. My...

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