After serving eight years as Bishop of the Philippines, in January 2023, Alan and Ammabellee Bacus joined the FMWM-Asia missionary team as international missionaries. They will assist the Asia team in prayerfully exploring opportunities to launch house churches in targeted gateway cities across Asia while also working toward expanding campus outreach to young adults, a successful strategy launched during Alan’s term as bishop of the Philippines. FMWM-Asia anticipates Alan and Ammabellee’s spiritual influence will enhance the area-wide vision of influencing one million Asians toward Jesus.
The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
Becca trains leaders for church ministry, church planting and evangelism. She is appointed by the Taiwan Annual Conference to assist the Lukai District, one of two tribal districts in the conference. Becca conducts workshops, mentors disciples, leads Bible studies and small groups, and preaches regularly. Becca is an adjunct professor at Holy Light Theological Seminary, which has a global reach through online classes. She is passionate about seeing Taiwan spread the good news to the ends of the earth.
Bryan & Tammy
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
After working on university campuses in Creative Access-CA for a decade, Bryan and Tammy now serve with the Asia area leadership development team. They work with the Gethsemane Leadership Training pathway to equip and encourage pastors and church planters in Asia, serving those receiving training for ordination. Bryan and Tammy also serve as missionaries in residence for the East Michigan Conference, connecting with refugees in their city and investing in leadership development.
Thom & Sherry Cahill
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
Thom and Sherry Cahill work in spiritual formation and leadership development in Asia. They help recruit teachers, coordinate Gethsemane Leadership Training modules, work with the Leadership Lift video training, and mentor/coach leaders. Additionally, the Cahills edit video scripts and videos for the Asia Team and teach in their areas of giftedness. Thom and Sherry have three adult children and one grandson who live in the U.S.
David Clemente
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
David Clemente is currently a U.S.- based missionary serving Asia. As a member of the Asia Leadership Team, Dr. David Clemente regularly travels to consult with pastors and supervise selected Asian leaders. He is an Asia Area Assistant Director overseeing FMWM interests in the Philippines, Creative Access Asia IA, and Oceania region. David has a vision for mobilizing partnerships and encouraging support for FMWM-Asia’s vision of influencing a million Asians for Jesus. David’s wife, Sarah, also served as an FMWM missionary in Asia for many years until 2024, when she began serving as the Director of Christian Education for a local church in Illinois.
Darin & Jill
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
Darin and Jill have ministered in Asia since 2009. Darin serves as Asia Area associate director, and Jill fulfills various mentoring and administrative roles. Their ministry focus is training and credentialing Free Methodist leaders across Asia through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. Darin also works closely with Asia Area Director Eric to develop and implement a mission strategy for the work in Asia.
Richard & Sheila Dickinson
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
Richard and Sheila Dickinson have served the FM Church in various capacities: pastoring, church planting, and serving as missionaries. Their ministry experience spans six states and three continents. Sheila will train children’s ministry leaders. Richard will train Free Methodist pastors across Asia in Inductive Bible Study Methodology through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. They will also raise financial support for church plants and motorcycles for Asian leaders.
Eric & Virginia
by Heather Utley | Jul 2016
As Asia Area director, Eric has three strategic priorities. He oversees the FMWM missionary team in Asia. He partners with national leaders to build support strategies that will help expand the church. And finally, he works to purposefully connect FMC-Asia with FMC-USA, building mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships. Pastor Eric and his wife, Virginia, have served the Free Methodist Church since 1990.
Trevor Foley
by Heather Utley | Jun 2016
Trevor Foley is an affiliate missionary with FMWM serving persecuted Christians through Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOMK) and working with FMWM Asia to re-establish a viable Free Methodist presence in South Korea. He is a Conference Ministerial Candidate in the Pacific Northwest Conference.
Gene & Minori Hall
by Heather Utley | Jun 2016
Gene and Minori Hall began serving in Japan in August 2019. With Christians comprising only 1% of the population, there is an urgent need for the gospel in Japan. The Halls serve in the area of leadership training in Southeast Asia and Japan, working to equip Christian leaders with the tools to lead well. Their primary focus is developing faithful leaders who develop more faithful leaders, resulting in the multiplication of the gospel, disciples, churches and new leaders.