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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

David & Ginegda López

David & Ginegda López

David and Ginegda “Yeya” López are international missionaries who relocated to their home country last year. David is an ordained elder with a successful track record of multiplying disciples, leaders and churches. He is the coordinator for multiplying committed disciples in the Free Methodist Church of Latin America and promotes church planting throughout the region.

Dan & Hope Owsley

Dan & Hope Owsley

Dan and Hope Owsley have served in four major regions of Brazil over the past three decades, helping to start churches and organize conferences. Their ministry has included teaching Bible and theology to church leaders, mentoring men and women in ministry, sharing the gospel, and discipling new believers. In 2020 they moved to the state of São Paulo to help restructure the Free Methodist seminary. Both Hope and Dan are teaching there, and Dan acts as academic coordinator. They are both involved in their local church and are mentoring church planters (Free Methodist Venezuelan refugees) in northwest Brazil. Hope leads several Bible studies and is also part of a team adapting the Roots curriculum for Free Methodist Sunday schools throughout Latin America.

Juan Carlos Rodriguez & Yaneth Aguirre

Juan Carlos Rodriguez & Yaneth Aguirre

Pastor Juan Carlos and Yaneth have faithfully served the Free Methodist Church in Mexico in various roles, including church planters and pastors. Juan Carlos also served as conference superintendent for eight years. The Lord has now stirred their hearts to serve at an area-wide level by joining the Latin American team. Based out of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Juan Carlos will coordinate mentoring throughout the area, particularly to leaders in Bolivia, Guatemala and Creative Access Country-X. Yaneth will serve as a part of the “Empowering Transformational Churches” team while also pouring into local and regional ministry.

Thad & Nikki Roller

Thad & Nikki Roller

The Rollers live and minister in Cajicá, just outside Bogotá, Colombia. They are passionate about seeing leaders, disciples and churches multiplied in their community and throughout Latin America. Thad’s primary role is to help train, mobilize and support pastors, leaders and church planters in Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico. Nikki’s main objectives include infusing the church-planting movement with a culture of deep prayer and working on multiple teams, including Third Culture Kid care and the translation and adaptation of the Roots curriculum for the Latin American context.

Rodrigo & Tanya Rosado

Rodrigo & Tanya Rosado

The Rosados live and serve in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they lead a new project – The Harbor. The Harbor seeks to be a vibrant international community where there is biblical transformation and student leaders are empowered through holistic strategies leading to the multiplication of committed disciples. Their responsibilities include pastoring a multicultural church, overseeing university housing for emerging leaders in collaboration with ICCM and developing a Community Church Plant network in the city. In addition, Rodrigo serves as mission district leader for Argentina, and Tanya serves as transformational church coordinator for Latin America.

Brook & Susan Selby

Brook & Susan Selby

Susan is a gifted leader and administrator. God uses her to bring health and fruitfulness to individuals, groups, and organizations by creating systems and structures to disciple people into more peaceful, trusting, and God-honoring ways of doing relationships.

Brook, an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, has served as the pastor of Mountainview Community Church in White Haven, Pennsylvania, for twelve years. Brook raises disciples and leaders by helping them identify what God is already doing in their lives, assisting them to take the next step of faith in following Jesus’s lead.

Rich & Laurie Sheriff

Rich & Laurie Sheriff

Rich and Laurie serve in San Pedro de la Paz, on the edge of Concepción, Chile. Rich is an elder in the Keystone Conference. After years of pastoring in the U.S. and leading short-term mission teams to various parts of the world, the Chilean Conference of the FMC invited the Sheriffs to come full time and plant bilingual churches. Along with church planting, they work in leadership development and encouraging local FM pastors, families and churches.

Dan & Dee Ann Snyder

Dan & Dee Ann Snyder

Dan and Dee Ann Snyder currently serve as associate missionaries to Haiti. While involved in a Michigan medical practice, Dan raises funds and annually makes several trips to Haiti Claire Heureuse Hospital in Dessalines. Dee Ann works in support ministries


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