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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Bulgaria: Pray for discipleship schools and other training opportunities that are helping shape the next generation of leaders in Bulgaria.

Middle East: Pray the Holy Spirit will move in mighty ways among the unreached people groups in this region, breaking down all the barriers that...

Senegal: Pray for protection and provision for pastors and their families, particularly the success of livelihood projects to provide income for...

Set Free Movement: Pray for the Wunders leadership as they explore opportunities to open a sewing center in a third country this year, providing...

Asia: Pray for Ammabellee Bacus and Yuko Wilkins as they establish a network of FM women across Asia by providing connections and encouragement,...

Paraguay: International missionaries Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Yaneth Aguirre will spend time in Mexico and the U.S. this summer, building...

Sierra Leone: Pray for Pastor Koroma, a graduate of the Wesley Missionary Institute, who is helping develop a strong core group of leaders and...

Puerto Rico: One church recently acquired a property it is renovating to become a training and retreat center. Pray this will become a place of...

Japan: Pray for Minori Hall as she continues to offer hospitality and friendship to her neighbors and people in her community. Ask the Father to...

Malawi: Superintendent Goodson Phiri has initiated a church visitation and encouragement program. He visits every church within his conference to...


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