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Daily Prayer Requests of Free Methodist World Missions

Ghana: The FMC in Ghana aims to have 100 sustainable and self-propagating churches by 2031. Pray for workers and the physical and spiritual...

Japan: Pray the Holy Spirit will move in amazing ways in Japan, defeating the powers of evil and darkness and unlocking the hearts and minds of...

Ecuador: Please pray for Becky Crouse’s health, for wisdom in ministry and healthy patterns of life, and for her two daughters who are studying and...

Asia: Pray for the growing team of FMWM-Asia missionaries and leaders. Ask the Father to give them a holy zeal to pursue Jesus, share the gospel and...

Malawi: Pray for the work of the Great Commission Bible School in training excellent pastors and leaders.

Middle East: Continue in prayer for the Holy Land and all the workers in this region. As we lament the loss of life, pray for God’s peace to...

Greece: Missionary Michael Long recently completed his PhD. Pray the Lord will use his education and expertise to benefit the church and all those...

Nigeria: Pray for the ministries in all four annual conferences of Nigeria, including family ministry, ministry to widows and the underserved, and...

Philippines: Thank the Lord for the new work in the Illocos region of the Philippines. FMWM-Asia international missionaries Alan and Ammabellee have...

Paraguay: Pray for international missionary Juan Carlos Rodriquez as he helps mentor and encourage pastors in Paraguay while working on a master’s...

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